Closed petition Create a Legal Duty of Care to End Homelessness

We currently choose not to end homelessness, despite having the wealth to do it. We are all responsible for the failure, yet no one is adequately accountable. It is a legal duty to provide a free place for education. It should be legally required to offer shelter for all. It's a human right.

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This is not a party political issue and we believe should be backed by all elected representatives. There should be no question of "if" anything is done, but "how." We need the Government and local authorities to be placed in a position of responsibility and held to account for its delivery. It is a humanitarian issue and funds should be ringfenced specifically for this task. Instant solutions must be found or made. If we can build world-leading hospitals in 2 weeks for COVID, we can build homes. This should no longer be left to charities.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

114 signatures

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