We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee
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Closed petition Introduce statutory payments for Special Guardians of children
Special Guardianship, where a person is given the care of a child by the courts, is commonplace in the United Kingdom. Carers do not always receive any form of financial assistance, other than Child Benefit. A child will normally be cared for until they are 18 years old.
More details
All special guardians should receive substantial financial support. They are saving local authorities millions of pounds a year, looking after children who would otherwise be under local authority care, in care homes or in paid foster homes. The current arrangements for providing financial support to Special Guardians vary locally, and are normally means tested. Special Guardians can spend tens of thousands bringing children up, and many get nothing. Current arrangements are outdate, and should be made fair for all.
This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months