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Closed petition Implement a complete ban on the sale of rodenticide poison

This is a request to ban the sale of rodenticide from all shops, including online retailers. It's a dangerous toxin & should not be readily accessible. The damage is far-reaching & devastating for wildlife - it's a pollutant, indiscriminate & the long-term effects are not fully known.

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Rodenticide poison is cruel, indiscriminate, ineffective & has devastating ramifications for the environment. The UK is in the lowest 10% globally in terms of biodiversity & having such toxic substances on sale contributes to the harm being done to the natural world & delicate ecosystems. Having this poison readily available leads to the dangerous misconception that it's inherently safe. There are often multiple victims, with many companion animals & endangered species being among those killed.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

282 signatures

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