Petition Require all food & cosmetic labelling/packaging to highlight harmful ingredients

Implement a simple 'traffic light' system that highlights the number and risk level of harmful additives & ingredients in the products we consume and use on our bodies.

For example:

(# of additives) at high risk (red)
(#) Moderate risk (yellow)
(#) Low risk (green)
(#) Unknown risk (blue)

More details

Around 1 in 2 people in the UK will be diagnosed with a form of cancer during their lifetime. Ultra-processed food has been linked to poor health and early death. Even food/cosmetics aimed at children contain harmful, carcinogenic preservatives & added chemicals (for example, to extend shelf life) that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, auto-immune disorders, inflammatory diseases & more. Consumers have a right to access clear info about the potential health impact of the products we consume/use over a lifetime.

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118 signatures

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At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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