Closed petition Introduce school zones with requirements to stagger school holidays

We want the Government to mandate staggered holiday schedules by dividing the country into zones (per the current model in France). Fines tackle the symptom of students being taken out of school for holidays, but action is needed to address the cause.

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The current, mainly synchronised, school term dates are creating a demand and supply imbalance that travel, childcare and recreation providers are taking advantage of through surge pricing; limiting access to those with lower disposable incomes and perpetuating a culture of term-time absenteeism. Having all English children on holiday at the same time also creates a significant burden on working parents and wider societal systems including employers, public services and roads. A coordinated effort between the government, councils and schools is required to change the status quo.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

81 signatures

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