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Closed petition Take emergency international action to protect Palestinians

We ask the UK government to hold an emergency meeting with counterpart foreign ministers and leaders of humanitarian organisations (UNRWA, HRW, and Amnesty International) to devise a strategy for the urgent protection of Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) and Israel.

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Several organisations have stated that Israel is implementing a system of Apartheid against Palestinians. A UN Special Rapporteur and human rights scholar warned in October that “Israel is seeking to justify what would amount to ethnic cleansing” in Gaza. The UNRWA situation report #18 (30 October 2023) puts the number of Palestinian civilian fatalities at 8,306, of which 3,457 were children.

The UK government must work with others to protect Palestinian people, especially children and the most vulnerable. The UK government must uphold international law and humanitarian justice above all else.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

525 signatures

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