Petition DVLA to amend rules on registration of historic cars with certain modifications

The DVLA should not void registration or require owners to seek re-registration of historic cars because of the following changes: the shortening of chassis; modifications to chassis and monocoques; and the forming of holes in a chassis or monocoque by cutting or drilling; or more general upgrades.

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Thousands of vintage and classic cars have had their chassis and monocoques modified over the years to improve safety and handling. There have been reports of the DVLA requiring owners to seek re-registration of some historic cars with such changes. This could be dealt with differently, e.g engineering inspections and/or MOT tests to ensure that adequate construction and safety standards are maintained. Also, car clubs could be given responsibility for approving changes.

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55 signatures

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At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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