Petition Introduce a Government ‘Commitments & Improvements Register’

The Register (CIR) would record & track progress (short, medium & long term) on the significant commitments that the Government announces/makes to the public. The CIR would be publicly available eg. Government website. Pre-agreed measures of delivery could be used to help evaluate progress.

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Trust in politicians and politics is very low. We believe a key reason for this is the common view that commitments, pledges and promises by the Government are made far too easily and/or not delivered on. The CIR is a deceptively simple idea. We believe it would be easy to implement, and that the benefits would far outweigh the costs. The CIR could result in better politics (e.g. through better transparency, discussion and accountability) and better public engagement, along with restored trust. It is needed now more than ever.

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24 signatures

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At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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