Petition Introduce a statutory requirement for schools to have a staff wellbeing policy

Make it a statutory requirement for all schools to have a staff wellbeing policy that is written in accordance with the Government's "Education staff wellbeing charter" (2021). Policies should outline strategies in place to support the wellbeing of staff. This could help address retention issues.

More details

The latest Education Support Annual Report and Teacher Wellbeing Index (2023) has found that:
78% of all staff are stressed, rising to 89% for school leaders.
39% have experienced a mental health issue in the past academic year

In the 2022 Teacher Wellbeing Index 59% of teachers reported that they were not confident in disclosing unmanageable stress or mental health issues to their employer and 59% considered leaving the sector in the past academic year due to pressures on their mental health and wellbeing.

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