This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Provide Funding for Neurodiversity Diagnostic Assessments in State Schools

Provide direct funding for neurodiversity diagnostic assessments in state schools. These could improve diagnosis of students and help them to receive the support they require. This should include funding for the involvement of educational psychologists in the assessment process.

More details

Establishing Direct Funding:
Initiate direct funding for neurodiversity diagnostic assessments in primary, secondary, and sixth-form state schools. This should help every student have access to timely and comprehensive evaluations.

Policy Review:
Conduct a thorough review of current policies regarding funding for neurodiversity diagnostic assessments at all educational levels. We believe this will help to address existing gaps and shortcomings.”

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

908 signatures

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