Petition Fund increased care and support for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

As someone affected by MCAS challenges, including misdiagnosis, limited awareness, and medication access, I urge government to fund activities to enhance awareness, increase research funding, support medication access and collaborate with patient advocacy to support a patient-centric approach.

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MCAS patients suffer due to misdiagnoses. Lack of awareness leads to delayed diagnoses; we believe urgent training is critical. MCAS patients face medication access challenges; we believe government advocacy for NHS-prescribed medication is crucial. Insufficient public awareness requires government-led campaigns to reduce misunderstanding. Collaboration with advocacy groups integrates MCAS experiences; government engagement can help ensure patient perspectives shape policies. Addressing these issues could help those with MCAS, improving healthcare. We consider your support is vital for these changes in MCAS patients' well-being.

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2,661 signatures

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At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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