Petition Make it easier to build eco-dwellings on agricultural land

We want the Government to review and amend planning rules to make it easier for people to build eco-dwellings on agricultural land in England, where these are zero carbon, off-grid, have a water source and are well designed. We believe the Welsh One Planet Development is a good precedent for this.

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We believe making it easier to build eco-dwellings on agricultural land has precedent in Wales, and would be sustainable and practical, and could help:

- Restore the farming industry
- Increase economic growth
- Reduce city crime rates
- Fix the housing crisis
- Encourage people to learn permaculture
- Support affordable housing
- Shelter people from future pandemics
- Enable a healthy lifestyle
- Reduce urban congestion
- Provide options for off-grid living

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128 signatures

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At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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