Petition Automatically upgrade A2 motorcycle licence to A licence after 2 years

We want the Government to change rules governing motorcycle licences so that an A2 motorcycle licence is automatically upgraded to an A licence after two years, as it was pre-2013.

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We believe it is unfair and nonsensical that it is harder to obtain an A motorcycle license than a B car license, despite the fact that a car is generally more of a threat to other road users than a bike. Why can a B license be held unrestricted at the age of 17 while an A license requires at least one extra stage and a higher age, and many more stages for people following the progressive route. This can cost thousands of pounds. We believe the whole system is over-complicated and unnecessary. There are many parts to it that I don’t agree with but this petition specifically calls for the A2-A license upgrade to be automatic.

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207 signatures

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At 10,000 signatures...

At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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