Petition Require food using precision bred organisms be labelled as genetically modified

We want the Government to require food that has been produced using 'Precision Bred Organisms' (PBOs) to be labelled as genetically modified (GM) when they are sold/offered for consumption. People should know when their food has been genetically altered so that they can choose whether to buy/eat it.

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We believe the term 'Precision Bred' is misleading, and that altering genes cannot be 'precise' due to unknown consequences, and 'Bred' gives false confidence that it is using natural processes, but in fact it is direct editing of genes.

We believe the safety of 'PBOs' in our food and ecosystems can not be proven, and that consumers should have the choice whether to buy or eat 'PBOs'. Stable ecosystems are essential to our survival as a species and we believe 'PBOs' threaten this.

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