This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Ensure Government funding for police exceeds council tax police precept
It is within the power of Government and Parliament to set a framework where the majority source of police funding in England is from central government, rather than council tax. From 2024/2025, we want a funding formula that prevents the majority of police funding coming from council tax.
More details
From 03/2016 - 03/2024 the Council Tax precept increased by a percentage of 71%. Government funding increased by 29%. This year the precept will increase by up to 7.6% vs 4.5% government funding. In the next spending review period several police areas may cross the point where Council Tax provides the majority of funding. We do not want this to happen. This could be achieved by limiting increases to the council tax precept for policing, or increasing central government funding.
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website