Petition Lower the age of voting in local elections to 16 across England & NI

I want the Government to lower the age of voting in local elections to 16 in England and Northern Ireland, to make it standard across the UK. Currently, 16 year olds can vote in local elections in Scotland and Wales, but can't in England and Northern Ireland.

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I would like the Government to lower the voting age to 16 in local elections as I think it is only fair it becomes standard across the UK. 16 is also the age when other age restrictions get lifted, such as being able to leave school. Also, I think that younger people can become dissuaded from politics as they have no involvement in it growing up, so lowering the age could be beneficial for getting younger people more involved in politics and increasing voter turnout.

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193 signatures

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At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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