This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Implement the planned MOD's New Accommodation Offer, which is due in March 2024

Continue with the proposed New Accommodation Offer, due for implementation in March 2024. We think it is an effective policy that would improve the lives of serving personnel, regardless of rank. Make the MOD an inclusive place to work, ensuring equality of living standards regardless of rank.

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We think that many serving personnel and their families would benefit from the planned policy. We also think that removing or delaying it could have a devastating effect on already strained family lives and place unnecessary limits on personnel's living conditions. Military personnel are suffering loss of experienced workforce and delaying this could impact personnel retention, across all ranks and ratings. We think that rank should not be dictating personnel standards of living.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

3,042 signatures

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MPs examine service accommodation

The House of Commons Defence Committee heard evidence on service accommodation on Tuesday 27 February.

MPs questioned a Government Minister and officials from the Ministry of Defence about service accommodation, the homes that members of the armed forces and their families are provided with. This was the final session in the Defence Committee's inquiry into service accommodation.

The Committee will now be considering the evidence it heard and preparing a report. We will share this when it's published.

What is an evidence session?

An evidence session is when a group of MPs - called a committee - invite experts, Government officials and/or people with experience of a certain issue to answer questions about it. This helps the committee understand more about the issue and enables them to hold the Government to account for their decisions.

What is the Defence Committee?

The Defence Committee is a group of MPs from different political parties that examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Ministry of Defence and its associated public bodies.

The Defence Committee is a select committee.
Find out how select committees work.

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