Petition Provide a tax relief in the form of a tax allowance for pet owners

Provide an additional tax allowance per pet (up to 3 pets living in the home and registered at a qualified vet) for tax payers through the self-assessment income tax or tax code, that would reduce their overall tax liability, limited to the base tax rate, as is done with mortgage interest.

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Social objectives; improving the mental and physical health of taxpayers and their dependents arising from pet ownership, improving the wellbeing of pets, and easing financial pressures on existing pet owners. Research confirms, pets can reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, reduce recovery time and decrease feelings of loneliness, anxiety and depression. In 2022, it was estimated that 62% of UK households had a pet, but that this had reduced to 57% in 2023. It has been estimated that NHS savings of up to £2.45bn could be achieved through pet ownership.

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