Petition Introduce reduced caps on key household bills to keep costs low

Key household expenses are increasing. We want the Government to act now to help those in need make ends meet. We want reduced limits on the annual maximum percentages that utility companies and councils are allowed to increase bills by, set at lower levels than current permitted increases.

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Around three quarters of councils plans on raising council tax by the permitted maximum of 4.99% for April 2024/25.
Ofwat has forecasted that average water rates will increase by around £2.30 per month, but bills for many customers have increased by more than this, with some going up by more than 10%.
According to released figures, Energy Companies are making a fortune in profits, while millions of customers are facing fuel poverty.
We believe recent increases in prices of essential household expenses is damaging our livelihood. Many people are battling to survive this economy, yet substantial profits are being made.

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