Petition 15 hours of free childcare as soon as child turns 2 (not wait until September)

Please give all parents eligible for 15 hours of free childcare the childcare hours as soon as their child turn 2 years old from April 2024, regardless of their DOB.

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The current childcare provision overlooks a significant demographic – children who turn 2 on or shortly after 1 April 2024. Parents of these children have to wait 5 months to get funding.

We urge the UK Parliament to consider this petition and take immediate action to rectify this disparity in childcare provision, helping to ensure that every child has equal access to early education and care, and every parent has the opportunity to pursue their employment goals without unnecessary delay.

It feels unjust to wait 5 months until autumn term to access funding with other children who are 9 months or older, if your child turns 2 years old in April 2024.

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