Petition Fund free eye tests for all

We want the government to support free eye tests for all ages to help increase the early detection and enable treatment of brain cancer and serious eye diseases and disorders.

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The early detection of brain cancer and other degenerative eye disorders is imperative to treat and improve the prognosis for many patients. However, eye testing still remains inaccessible to many, and can be last on the list of expenses since the rise in the cost of living. We believe that with an eye test being free as part of the NHS, these life-threatening and life-changing conditions could be identified in the early stages, when symptoms may not be apparent, to improve prognosis and the chance of recovery.

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51 signatures

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At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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