Petition Make the National Living Wage for 23+ the minimum wage for all ages

We believe everyone who is working should be entitled to the same national minimum wage. Abolish the age groups and make sure everyone is paid at least the National Living Wage that is currently in place for people aged 23 and over.

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There are different minimum wages for different age groups, with the highest minimum wage only applying to people aged 23 and over. We believe this is unacceptable. Many people are struggling financially and paying people less because of their age is discriminatory.

The cost of living crisis is affecting young people too, so why aren’t they entitled to the same wage as older people? There are so many people under 23 who are in the same situation as older workers, and not everyone is lucky enough to have parents or other family to help them out. We think this needs to change!

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At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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