Petition Fund NHS fertility treatment for couples with existing children

My husband has 2 children to a previous partner and I have no children. We are now undergoing fertility treatment (ICSI). Our treatment is not funded by the NHS due to my husbands existing children.

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Due to the current policy, myself and my husband paid £7k for the 1st cycle, which sadly failed. This means we are now forced to pay another £7k for the 2nd cycle of treatment. For only two cycles, the total cost is now at £14k, with no guarantee of the second cycle being successful. Considering I have no children, the NICE guidelines state if you are a woman aged under 40 you should be offered 3 full cycles of IVF if you have been trying for more than 2 years. Please review the policy to prevent others getting into unmanageable debt, for one chance at making a family.

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