Petition Fund mandatory NHS training on recognising newborn health deterioration

We want the government to provide funding so that all NHS staff who care for newborn babies receive mandatory training to ensure that they can recognise when a newborn baby’s condition is deteriorating. We believe this is vital to improve maternity services and patient safety.

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We ask the government to provide funding to expand the Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme, to include mandatory training so that the Newborn Early Warning Track and Trigger can achieve its purpose and there is a better chance of neonatal deterioration being prevented, identified, escalated and responded to. We consider this training will help to improve the chance of the programme meeting NHS England’s stated aims and we believe will mean that the number of babies dying unnecessarily whilst under the care of maternity services will be reduced.

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At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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