Petition Abolish the basic State Pension, increase the new State Pension and pay to all.

We think the government should abolish the 'basic State Pension', put all our elderly onto the new State Pension, and increase the new State Pension to a good percentage of average earnings.

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We believe those on the basic Pension should be paid the difference accrued between the basic and new State Pension since the new State Pension's introduction.
Britain's basic State Pension is currently £169.50 per week.
Britain's New State Pension is currently £221.20 a week.
Britain's average weekly earnings (AWE) were estimated at £693 in August 2024.

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5,502 signatures

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At 10,000 signatures...

At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

Government support for pensioners: debate in Parliament

On Wednesday 12 February, MPs debated Government support for pensioners in Parliament.

This was a Westminster Hall debate led by Blake Stephenson MP. Work and Pensions Minister Torsten Bell MP responded on behalf of the Government.


Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to debate a topic of their choice, and receive a response from the Government.

They are a way to:

• Raise awareness of an issue
• Seek to influence government policy
• Put the views of a backbench MPs, political parties, and the Government on record.

They do not involve a vote on a particular action or decision.

See our visual explainer on how these debates work.

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