Petition New legislation; ensure informed consent is always given to avoid patient harm.

Update the law to ensure informed consent is mandatory before ALL medical and cosmetic surgeries/procedures/treatments, and before prescriptions are written. Legislation must ensure all known risks are declared to the patient. Failure to comply resulting in needless injury must be prosecutable.

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Too many patients have been denied details of serious known risks resulting in needless life altering damage. Currently we believe there is not sufficient deterrent to ensure culpability, and that medical/cosmetic organisations abuse their power by cherry picking the information given to patients. We believe that to deny a patient details of a known risk, to risk a worse outcome for a patient having a non-urgent procedure/treatment, without their consent is abhorrent. Without informed consent patients are unable to make an informed decision about their treatment.

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2,539 signatures

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At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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