Petition Abolish Non-Crime Hate Incidents

The term 'non-crime hate incident' describes an incident which involves an act by a person which is perceived by another person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards people with a particular characteristic, i.e. race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, transgender identity.

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We believe that finding common agreement of what can be considered 'hateful' is difficult. We think that it is entirely subjective and therefore constitutes an existential threat to the freedom of speech / expression of the general public, as a non-crime hate incident can show up on an enhanced Disclosure and Barring (DBS) check, putting a person's future employment prospects at risk for what we believe may ultimately be harmless jokes or a disagreement of opinion.

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22,065 signatures

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Government responds to all petitions that get more than 10,000 signatures

Waiting for 9 days for a government response

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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