Petition Change the earliest days of ILR application from 28days to 180days before 5years

I want the government to change the ILR application from 28days to 180 days before 5years. It is a great privilege to live here permanently. Applying earlier helps people in their plans and help to attain permanent stay before visas expire and reduces the tension of applying 28days before 5years.

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Most people take years to prepare and save up to apply. I believe that there's a lot of pressure and tension leading up to 28days and a lot of people might apply at the same time which increases the government's workload. 180 days before 5years is enough time to turn in applications and focus on work and family. I think getting the ILR early helps people with a great sense of belonging and pride.

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181 signatures

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At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

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