Petition Ban the Shaving of 90% of Tail Hair from the Draught Horse Breed.

It is common practice among those who show heavy horses to shave/clip up to 90% of a horse's tail, thinking it shows off the horses' hindquarters to better advantage. We think it is cruel and unnecessary to deprive a horse of its natural tail, and want this archaic practice to be banned.

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Horses' tails are vital to swat away insects. They are used to communicate a horse’s mood - by mares to indicate willingness or otherwise to mate, to help regulate body temperature, warn of intent to kick or flee and can indicate poor health and pain.

We think it is unnecessary to deprive horses of this natural part of themselves and negatively affects them. Tails can be plaited before entering the animal in a show, returning the tail to full function after. We think welfare must come before aesthetics.

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