Rejected petition Make the BBC a subscription only service. Scrap the tv licence
The tv licence is out of date and a monopoly forcing you to pay for a service you don't use. I have Netflix, Apple TV, Amazon Prime, so paying for these I clearly don't watch very much terestrial tv, aside a bit of news & never BBC news! In my car I have Youtube premium so I never listen to the BBC
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I believe parliment has a duty to ensure the public are not forced to pay a corporation for services they don't want or need. The BBC should be a subscription only service, if you want it pay for it. If you don't use it, you don't. Many millions of people don't watch the BBC and these millions are forced to pay for a service they don't want. To me that's theft and racketeering. Cancel the TV licence!
This petition was rejected
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There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.
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You may wish to sign the following petition, which calls for similar action:
Abolish the tv licence
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