Rejected petition Hospital charges for Overseas visitors
Ensure the Law is being used by Hospital Trusts to boost NHS funds.
Can the Government ensure that provision is made to recover these statutory charges within Hospital Trusts
More details
The Statutory provisions which enable overseas visitors to be charged for NHS treatment are found in section 175 of the National Health Service Act 2006. Section 175 allows the Secretary of State for Health to make regulations for making and recovery of charges in relation to any person who is not ordinarily resident in the UK for NHS services provided to them.
The National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2020 place a legal obligation on the Trust to make and recover charges for NHS treatment provided by that relevant NHS body. The Trust
This petition was rejected
Why was this petition rejected?
It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.
The guidance for providers of NHS services on the charging of overseas visitors is available here:
You could start a petition setting out clearly how you'd like the current arrangements to change.
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