Rejected petition Introduce a SUP(Single Use Plastic) levy or "Pant"-like deposit system

I want the UK to introduce either a levy or deposit system for SUP in the UK. In recent years there has been a great amount of research into plastic and its effect on the world. We have seen how microplastics infest our waterways, our soil, the ocens and even our own bodies.

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Over the last decade, there has been a great amount of research into the subject of plastic and it's effects on the world

There was a time our largest fear was animals getting caught in discarded packaging. But now, we know that microplastics are everywhere

They are in our waterways, in our soil, they are found on every landmass and in every ocean. We now have proof that microplastics have found their way into our bodies and even placentas.

Creating a system to encourage local recycling is essential. Some amount of the deposit or levy should be kept for offering grants to companies that recycle here in the UK. Not only protecting the environment, but becoming a source of useable material for industry or export

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

We can't publish petitions when the request is something that's already happening or something that has been announced since you started your petition.

We think your petition is covered by Government or Parliament action already. If you'd like something else, you could start a new petition clearly explaining what it is.

In January 2025, the Government introduced regulations to create a deposit return scheme, you can find out more here:

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.