This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 Conservative government

Petition British citizens should be able to appeal the refusal of a family 'visit visa'

The appeals process for Family Visit Visa was removed on 25 June, 2013 to save costs. My recent personal experience confirmed that the UKBA seem to have cut the process of justice and accountability while cutting their costs. How can this be justified?
Is UKBA now the Judge, Jury and Executioner?

More details

In response to my query to UKBA I got back a ‘blank’ email with the request to fill out a satisfaction survey! My mother was rejected a visit visa recently and she was told not to apply within next 10 years. She is now 66. Which essentially means she may not possibly visit her grandchildren in UK for the rest of her lifetime. UKBA's rejection has no regards to how it affects me as a British Citizen. Why should UKBA be allowed to impose decisions without due and just care?
Stop this INJUSTICE!

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

6,730 signatures

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Parliament debated this topic

This topic was debated on 9 July 2018

MPs to debate petitions about family visitor visas on Monday 9 July

MPs will debate three petitions about family visitor visas on Monday 9 July. You can read the petitions here:

The debate will start at 4.30pm. You can watch it at A transcript will be published the following day at

The Petitions Committee (the group of MPs who oversee the petitions system) has scheduled this debate because there were no new petitions which had reached the 100,000 signatures required to be considered for debate. These petitions have a combined total of more than 89,000 signatures and are about an issue that affects a relatively small group of people in the UK, which would make it harder for a single petition to pass the 100,000 signature threshold.

You can follow the Petitions Committee on Twitter @HoCpetitions

Share your views on UK visit visas for family members of British citizens

We've already told you that MPs will debate three petitions about family visitor visas on Monday 9 July. You can find details of each petition below:

The Petitions Committee want to hear your experiences and views on UK visit visas for family members.

You can help by sharing your experiences and views in this short survey:

Your comments will help the Petitions Committee explain to the UK Government during the debate how the current visa system affects families.
Any information you share with us might be talked about in the debate, which people will be able to watch online. Sometimes thousands of people watch debates and the things that MPs say might be reported in the press.
Don't tell us anything that you don't want to be made public.
We need your comments by midnight on Sunday 1 July.
Thanks for helping us understand more about how people are affected by this important issue.