This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Rejected petition Withdraw the 'Stop the Boats' - Illegal Migration Bill - from Parliament.

Government should cease its attempt to extinguish the right to seek refugee protection in the UK for those who arrive irregularly. Seeking asylum is not a crime. Most people fleeing war and persecution are forced into taking dangerous journeys because there are no safe and legal routes left to them

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The UNHCR has stated that it is "profoundly concerned" by the Government's proposed Illegal Migration Bill, and that it would amount to an effective asylum ban if passed.

The effect of the legislation would be to deny protection to many asylum-seekers in need of safety and protection, and deny them the opportunity to put forward their case. This would be a clear breach of the Refugee Convention and would undermine a longstanding, humanitarian tradition of which the British people are proud.

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