These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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38,280 petitions

  1. Make it legal for families to adopt children from Turkey

  2. The government should supply Ukraine with fighter jets.

  3. Stop MPs payrises until public sector pay is addressed to an acceptable level.

  4. Create a Syrian Family Scheme visa for people homeless due to the earthquake

  5. Grant Turkish Citizens Sponsorship Visas

  6. Make a homes for Turkey/Syria scheme like the homes for Ukraine initiative

  7. Remove sanctions off Syria

  8. Allow students to wear own clothes in CCYD (Bridgend)

  9. Stop the sanctions on Syria

  10. The Justice system is not working

  11. Give parents a permit to park in parenting spaces.

  12. Allow us to bring our suffering families from catastrophic earthquake in Turkey!

  13. Government to remove the power of local authorities to set up 15 minute cities

  14. We want the government to prove there is no fraud in all the acts of parliament.

  15. Let pupils go to toilet in schools when required norfolk

  16. More sentence time towards pedophiles.

  17. Require Ofcom to withdraw “Broadcast standards during the coronavirus pandemic"

  18. Turkey has been struck by multiple earthquakes. Please send support immediately

  19. For carbohydrate information to be provided on all foods

  20. Help dads have rights to there children

  21. Reduce the grade boundaries for A Level Exams 2023

  22. STOP the Mayors proposal for ULEZ. Government to hold a referendum.

  23. Step in on supermarket price hikes, especially with essentials such as pet/baby

  24. Change the law regarding funding of government departments

  25. Tie MP pay rises with the lowest 5 yearly percentage of public sector workers

  26. Reduce term holidays in schools and increase summer holidays (at least 2 weeks).

  27. Legislation needed to ensure recycling sewage into drinking water is ultra safe.

  28. Review spending of Hereford Council to ensure they are accountable to the public

  29. Remove /disband Cambridge Greater partnership /GCP

  30. Change the law for equalisation for animals to be treated fairly as humans would

  31. Prevent the Expansion of London's ULEZ to the outer london area.

  32. Stop road tax until the roads are safe from potholes and damaging our vehicles

  33. Relax the rules on Adult Dependent Relative visa to bring parents > 70 years old

  34. Put the ULEZ extension to a public vote

  35. Allow LGBT content to be taught in the relationships education curriculum.

  36. Reduce student university fees.

  37. To train waitresses and mangers on gluten free

  38. Introduce the legal right to wild camp responsibly in England’s national parks

  39. Amend the law to stop lawyers unfairly challenging illegal immigrant deportation

  40. A Peoples vote from the U.K. to rejoining the E.U

  41. Make Dartmoor legal to wild camp on again

  42. Sort all the pot holes out on the roads. We pay road tax for what egsactly?

  43. For GP’s and NHS Psychiatrists to Screen women aged 39 plus for Perimenopause

  44. Create & Implement a full package of Online Child Safety for the curriculum

  45. Ban the extension of the ulez zone.

  46. Change the law for being able to pull out of house purchases up to exchange date

  47. Change the name of the "Prince of Wales" Bridge to the "Gareth Bale" Bridge

  48. Require all cycles to have registration plates

  49. Why is gluten free food so much more expensive

  50. help make a change to students mental health.

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