These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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1,013 petitions

  1. Fund improved support for people with communication and swallowing needs

    Government responded – 22 July 2021

    We know many people have had to wait to access NHS services during the pandemic. We are supporting the restoration of services, including speech and language therapy, for all of those who require it.

    16,102 signatures

  2. Increase the basic State Pension to match the new State Pension

    Government responded – 25 April 2023

    The Government has no plans to increase the basic State Pension to match the new State Pension.

    16,093 signatures

  3. Give the British Nationals (Overseas) of Hong Kong full British citizenship.

    Government responded – 8 June 2020

    The UK has a moral obligation to BN(O)s in the face of China’s actions. If proposed legislation is imposed, we will explore options to allow BN(O)s to apply to stay in the UK on a path to citizenship.

    16,082 signatures

  4. Remove indemnity from the manufacturers of covid-19 vaccines

    Government responded – 10 January 2023

    As indemnities for manufacturers do not generally prevent individuals from pursuing a legal claim for compensation, the Government would not consider it necessary to seek to remove any such indemnity.

    16,082 signatures

  5. Amnesty for UK undocumented immigrants in this COVID-19 World pandemic

    Government responded – 30 June 2020

    The Immigration Rules already enable the status of undocumented migrants (in the UK for some time and otherwise compliant with the law) to be regularised in some circumstances.

    16,054 signatures

  6. Ban school uniforms in sex shops and pornography

    Government responded – 1 August 2022

    The Government does not intend to take this specific action at this time but remains firmly committed to preventing the sexualisation of children through the robust measures that are already in place.

    16,048 signatures

  7. Increase dedicated funding for childhood cancer research

    Government responded – 12 October 2021

    Research is crucial to tackling childhood and other cancers. NIHR cancer research spending increased from £101 million in 2010/11 to £138 million in 2019/20, the largest investment in a disease area.

    16,026 signatures

  8. Protect the NHS, Press Pause on the White Paper for Health and Social care

    Government responded – 6 August 2021

    The Health and Care Bill was introduced in Parliament following extensive engagement with the health and care system by NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care.

    16,019 signatures

  9. Extend the new dog abduction theft offence to cover cats and all kept animals

    Government responded – 8 February 2022

    The draft pet abduction offence applies to dogs with powers to extend to cats and other pets via regulations, and the Government is considering views on this expressed at Commons Committee.

    16,006 signatures

  10. Repeal the Gender Recognition Act 2004

    Government responded – 30 January 2023

    As announced in 2020, we believe the Gender Recognition Act 2004 is effective, strikes the right balance and allows for those who wish to legally change their sex. We have no plans to change it.

    16,000 signatures

  11. Stop housing asylum seekers who entered the UK illegally in hotels

    Government responded – 21 February 2023

    The Government has been clear that using hotels to accommodate asylum seekers is not a long-term solution and is working tirelessly to reduce our dependency upon hotels to house asylum seekers.

    15,996 signatures

  12. Increase funding for early years settings

    Government responded – 20 December 2022

    We have spent over £3.5 billion in each of the past 3 years on our early education entitlements. Over one million children per year are benefitting from this Government’s record investment.

    15,983 signatures

  13. Stop all new oil and gas developments

    Government responded – 25 August 2023

    The UK decarbonised more than any other G7 country between 1990 and 2021, but oil and gas are essential resources that still supply around three quarters of the UK’s overall energy use today.

    15,945 signatures

  14. Offer Indefinite Leave to Remain to all NHS and social care workers

    Government responded – 17 February 2021

    The Government recognises the vital contribution of overseas NHS workers but to qualify for ILR a person must meet various requirements including a substantial period in their sponsored occupation.

    15,943 signatures

  15. Refund university rent and tuition fees due to coronavirus

    Government responded – 16 June 2020

    The Government encourages universities and private halls providers to be fair in their decisions about rent charges for this period.

    15,927 signatures

  16. Carry out an independent review into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)

    Government responded – 25 April 2023

    The Government is already carrying out an evaluation of active travel schemes funded in 2020/21, including LTNs. It has no plans to commission a further review until this has concluded.

    15,906 signatures

  17. Hold a binding referendum on the future of the TV licence.

    Government responded – 6 July 2021

    The government has committed to maintain the licence fee funding model for the duration of this Charter period, until 2027. The licence fee model will be reconsidered ahead of the next Charter Review.

    15,895 signatures

  18. Review state pension entitlements for all women who may have been underpaid

    Government responded – 18 November 2020

    The Government is checking State Pension records. Where it is identified that someone is being underpaid, any backdated State Pension due in accordance with what the law allows will be paid.

    15,865 signatures

  19. Abolish TV Licence Fees For Everyone

    Government responded – 26 September 2023

    The licence fee will remain for this Charter. However, the current model faces challenges and the Government is looking at ways to ensure the way the BBC is funded in future is fair and sustainable.

    15,864 signatures

  20. Commission NICE to Review Guidelines on Chronic Pain (Published April 2021)

    Government responded – 21 July 2022

    NICE guidelines are evidence based and developed independently. NICE are clear that medicines should not be withdrawn from patients with chronic pain if they are safe and effective for them.

    15,847 signatures

  21. Make provisions for telemedicine for early abortions permanent in England

    Government responded – 12 April 2022

    On 30 March 2022, Parliament voted in favour of making home use for early medical abortion permanent. Further detail on the measure permanently coming into force will be set out in due course.

    15,825 signatures

  22. Prioritise funding for a new hospital for King's Lynn & West Norfolk

    Government responded – 19 October 2021

    Our Health Infrastructure Plan sets out our approach to improving hospitals and health infrastructure to ensure our healthcare system and staff have the world-class facilities needed for the future.

    15,817 signatures

  23. Do not allow original wills to be destroyed after 25 years

    Government responded – 1 March 2024

    Possible reforms to the storage and preservation of wills are being consulted on, no decisions have been taken as yet, and a response will be published later this year.

    15,793 signatures

  24. Agree to hold a public inquiry to examine the true, full, effects of Lockdowns.

    Government responded – 1 April 2021

    There will be an appropriate time to reflect and analyse on all aspects of the pandemic. For now, we are focused on protecting the NHS, saving lives and starting to cautiously ease restrictions.

    15,792 signatures

  25. Make Graduate visa extendable and count towards permanent residency

    Government responded – 16 May 2022

    The Government does not support this proposal. The Graduate route allows eligible graduates to remain in the UK for up to 3 years, with the opportunity to switch into a route to permanent settlement.

    15,760 signatures

  26. Seek to conclude UK/France reciprocal agreement on exchange of driving licences

    Government responded – 8 April 2021

    The Government is committed to establishing arrangements with France, that facilitate private motoring with the minimum of bureaucracy, as soon as possible.

    15,715 signatures

  27. Close down all UK airports & seaports to prevent further spreading of Covid-19.

    Government responded – 8 April 2020

    Keeping airports and seaports open is critical to maintaining essential services and supplies including food, medicines and medical equipment, and facilitating the repatriation of Britons from abroad.

    15,694 signatures

  28. Make cannabis legal for recreational use for ages 21+

    Government responded – 9 July 2020

    The Government has no plans to legalise cannabis for recreational use.There is clear scientific and medical evidence that cannabis is a harmful drug which can damage users' mental and physical health.

    15,680 signatures

  29. Negotiate UK-wide recognition of older person's bus passes

    Government responded – 23 April 2024

    The concessionary travel scheme is restricted to England as it is primarily intended to support local bus travel. Therefore, there are no plans to introduce mutual recognition of the separate schemes.

    15,632 signatures

  30. Make dogs attacking other pets a specific criminal offence

    Government responded – 24 August 2023

    Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 already provides for offences to be dealt with. We do not consider it necessary to introduce another offence.

    15,603 signatures

  31. Extend date for existing students to switch to Skilled Worker visa

    Government responded – 15 August 2023

    The Government has no plans to change the implementation date of the rule ending switching early from the student route to the skilled worker route. The student visa is for study.

    15,579 signatures

  32. Sanction Hong Kong officials responsible for human rights violations

    Government responded – 7 June 2021

    We carefully consider sanctions designations. It is not appropriate to speculate who may be designated in the future or we risk reducing the impact of the designations.

    15,557 signatures

  33. Increase Student Loans in England to catch up with inflation

    Government responded – 26 January 2024

    The Government has continued to increase loans for living costs each year with a 2.8% increase for the current academic year, 2023/24, and a further 2.5% uplift announced for 2024/25.

    15,538 signatures

  34. Close loophole allowing licensed dog breeders to broker pregnant bitches

    Government responded – 10 September 2020

    In 2018 the Government updated statutory requirements on licensed dog breeders in England. We are confident that these protect the welfare of breeding dogs and their puppies and improve transparency.

    15,501 signatures

  35. Ban fire and rehire employment tactics

    Government responded – 11 May 2021

    Government has been concerned by reports of employers using fire and rehire inappropriately. We asked Acas to conduct an evidence-gathering exercise and will set out our next steps in due course.

    15,494 signatures

  36. Free prescriptions for all cystic fibrosis (CF) patients

    Government responded – 20 April 2023

    We understand the long-term difficulties people with cystic fibrosis can experience. However, at present we have no plans to review the list of medical exemptions from prescription charges.

    15,492 signatures

  37. Ghost's Law - Kittens must be vaccinated and checked by vet before they’re sold

    Government responded – 6 April 2021

    This Government is committed to high standards of animal welfare, including for cats. We have addressed the low welfare sale of kittens through regulating commercial sales and the Petfished campaign.

    15,469 signatures

  38. Review UK foreign policy in light of reports of Israeli apartheid

    Government responded – 5 August 2022

    The UK is committed to advancing the Middle East Peace Process. We are aware of these reports, and do not agree with the terminology used within them.

    15,417 signatures

  39. Financial support for Outdoor Residential Centres during closure

    Government responded – 18 May 2021

    The Department recognises the value of this sector in the education, health and wellbeing of children. We have invested over £280 billion to protect jobs, support businesses and public services.

    15,402 signatures

  40. Fast track benefits as soon as someone is diagnosed as terminally ill

    Government responded – 1 May 2024

    The 12-month eligibility criteria improves access to benefits for those nearing the end of life and aligns with the NHS definition. All eligible benefit claims are paid as fast as possible.

    15,392 signatures

  41. Create a national strategy to end youth homelessness

    Government responded – 22 February 2024

    Government is committed to tackling homelessness and ending rough sleeping for good. Our strategy is backed by over £2bn over 3 years. Tackling youth homelessness is critical to this strategy.

    15,334 signatures

  42. Extended Visas indefinitely for International Students.

    Government responded – 28 April 2020

    Any student whose visa expires before 31 May can contact the Coronavirus Immigration Team to get their visa extended until 31 May. This will be reviewed before 31 May.

    15,320 signatures

  43. Review honey authenticity and current regulation of the honey market

    Government responded – 18 August 2022

    Honey on sale in England must comply with the Honey Regulations 2015. The regulations and their enforcement are fit for purpose, protecting consumers, producers and businesses from fraud.

    15,301 signatures

  44. Do not let the Government access information on pensioners' bank accounts.

    Government responded – 15 February 2024

    This measure does not give DWP access to pensioners or any claimants’ bank accounts and will only flag information if it is relevant to someone’s eligibility for the benefits they are receiving.

    15,276 signatures

  45. Add a mobility element to Attendance Allowance

    Government responded – 5 April 2024

    1.4 million people are receiving Attendance Allowance worth £6 billion a year. Those who develop mobility needs in later life are able to spend this benefit on mobility aids if they wish.

    15,243 signatures

  46. Grant a Section 30 Order to enable a Scottish Independence Referendum

    Government responded – 18 April 2023

    The Government’s focus is on tackling issues such as the cost of living, energy security, and growing the economy. This is simply not the time to be talking about another independence referendum.

    15,207 signatures

  47. Require all new builds to have solar panels as condition of planning permission

    Government responded – 23 November 2022

    We do not mandate solar panels to enable innovation and tailoring to individual sites. However we expect most developers will use solar panels to meet the recent uplift in energy efficiency standards.

    15,145 signatures

  48. Close schools and bring back online learning until the end of Jan 2022

    Government responded – 9 February 2022

    We are clear on the critical importance of face to face education for children and young people and we will do everything in our power to keep education and childcare settings open.

    15,119 signatures

  49. Change A-level grades awarded from CAGs to UCAS predicted grades where higher

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    To enable students to receive qualifications, students who were due to sit A level, AS level or GCSE exams in summer 2020 received the higher of their centre assessment grade or their calculated grade

    15,088 signatures

  50. All Rescue Back Up Contact Details On Microchips Must Remain Registered For Life

    Government responded – 1 April 2021

    The Government will consider this issue further as part of the post-implementation review of The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015 looking at the effectiveness of the current regime.

    15,081 signatures

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