These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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Petitions with a Government response

1,013 petitions

  1. Keep the £20pw Universal Credit lifeline and extend to those on legacy benefits

    Government responded – 11 March 2021

    The Government has now confirmed the temporary £20 per week increase to Universal Credit remains in place for a further six months. There are no plans to extend a benefit increase to legacy benefits.

    13,034 signatures

  2. Introduce new requirements to protect students with allergies in school

    Government responded – 23 August 2023

    The Department understands concerns about allergies in school. We feel that existing guidance is appropriate. Schools/governing bodies are best placed to make decisions about individual pupils.

    13,027 signatures

  3. Review the euthanasia of animals in the UK and impose reporting requirements

    Government responded – 23 June 2022

    Existing vet requirements already protect animals from unnecessary euthanasia. There is no evidence of widespread unnecessary euthanasia requiring a government review or new reporting requirement.

    12,991 signatures

  4. Provide dairy-free alternatives as part of the national milk scheme for under 5s

    Government responded – 2 October 2023

    The Nursery Milk Scheme only allows reimbursement for milk. The Government will consider this position once a joint scientific advisory committee working group on plant-based drinks has reported.

    12,982 signatures

  5. Stop the government's 'one way ticket' plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda

    Government responded – 27 June 2022

    The Government is committed to tackling illegal migration and breaking the business model of evil people smuggling gangs. Rwanda is safe and secure, with a track record of supporting asylum seekers.

    12,967 signatures

  6. Negotiate re-entry to the Single Market

    Government responded – 24 June 2022

    Leaving the EU was the democratic wish of the British public. The Government is now focussed on implementing the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, ensuring it delivers for our citizens and businesses.

    12,966 signatures

  7. Require local authorities to fund specific domestic abuse services for women

    Government responded – 28 May 2021

    Domestic Abuse is a form of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and the Government recognises that there is need for specific services for women. Its scale and impact warrant a dedicated strategy.

    12,918 signatures

  8. Fund free dental care for all

    Government responded – 9 November 2023

    Dental patient charges provide an important contribution to NHS budgets. A number of patients are already exempt from patient charges and we have no current plans to extend these provisions.

    12,896 signatures

  9. Fund research, treatment and awareness of Functional Neurological Disorder

    Government responded – 19 April 2021

    Treatment for patients with FND is delivered via local commissioning and specialised centres across England, and supported through the development of a clinical pathway and targeted research funding.

    12,894 signatures

  10. Authorise direct flights from the United Kingdom to North Cyprus (TRNC)

    Government responded – 21 September 2020

    The UK Government has no plans to authorise direct flights between the UK and the north of Cyprus. Direct flights would breach obligations under international law.

    12,893 signatures

  11. 'Owen's Law' - Change the law around allergy labelling in UK restaurants

    Government responded – 14 July 2021

    We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Owen Carey, and to all those who have lost loved ones as a result of food allergies.

    12,889 signatures

  12. Remove single person protest clauses in Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill

    Government responded – 6 April 2021

    The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill does not erode the right to protest peacefully; the Government will not be removing protest measures from the Bill.

    12,868 signatures

  13. Ban the religious slaughter of animals without first stunning them

    Government responded – 26 October 2022

    The Government would prefer all animals to be stunned before slaughter. However, we respect the rights of Jews and Muslims to eat meat prepared in accordance with their religious beliefs.

    12,864 signatures

  14. Fund a national anti-littering campaign.

    Government responded – 22 April 2021

    Having launched the “Keep It, Bin It” campaign in 2018 with Keep Britain Tidy, Defra continues to support this campaign and raise awareness of the impacts of littering through other means.

    12,864 signatures

  15. Revoke the UK's extradition treaty with India with immediate effect

    Government responded – 28 October 2021

    Our extradition framework is unrelated to trade arrangements and protects people from extradition to any country if it would breach their human rights. We do not intend to revoke the UK-India treaty.

    12,771 signatures

  16. Reinstate the pre-2012 Overseas Domestic Worker visa with a route to settlement

    Government responded – 5 March 2021

    The Government does not intend to reinstate the visa category for Domestic Workers in a Private Household, which closed to new arrivals in April 2012.

    12,726 signatures

  17. Abolish the mandatory 0.7% GDP Foreign Aid target and spend our money at home

    Government responded – 31 July 2020

    By investing less than a penny from each pound of our income in aid, the UK is helping create a safer, healthier and more prosperous world.

    12,724 signatures

  18. Require Planning Permission for laying of Astroturf Lawns / Artificial Grass

    Government responded – 27 May 2021

    The Government has no plans to introduce a requirement that planning permission must be sought for the installation of artificial grass in residential gardens.

    12,703 signatures

  19. Bring back the death penalty

    Government responded – 23 July 2020

    The Government has no plans to bring back capital punishment. Parliament abolished the death penalty more than 50 years ago and has consistently voted against it being restored in recent decades.

    12,691 signatures

  20. Make dog on dog attacks a specific criminal offence

    Government responded – 24 June 2021

    Existing powers allow dog on dog attacks to be tackled effectively, including the issuing of Community Protection Notices and prosecution of offences under Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and Dogs Act 1871.

    12,685 signatures

  21. Recognise Somaliland as an independent state

    Government responded – 10 February 2022

    The UK - in line with the rest of the international community - does not recognise Somaliland as an independent state.

    12,684 signatures

  22. Give one-person households 50% council tax discount rather than 25%

    Government responded – 8 February 2024

    The Government does not have any plans to change the single person discount to 50%. There are a range of further discounts and exemptions in place to support households with their council tax bills.

    12,677 signatures

  23. Ban developers starting new work until their EWS1 failing buildings are fixed

    Government responded – 13 July 2021

    We don’t intend to ban developers from starting new works where buildings have a EWS1 form, but our tax and levy will ensure that industry make a fair contribution to remediation costs.

    12,670 signatures

  24. Keep tax-free sales at airports and the VAT Retail Export Scheme

    Government responded – 16 December 2020

    Visitors can shop VAT-free when purchases are sent directly to overseas addresses. The withdrawal of the tax-free schemes is part of a package of changes, with significant benefits for UK consumers.

    12,664 signatures

  25. Introduce 'Grow Your Own' Laws for Legal Medical Cannabis Patients (CBPM)

    Government responded – 7 September 2023

    Cannabis cannot be cultivated except under a Home Office licence. The Home Office does not grant licences to grow cannabis for personal consumption and there are no plans to introduce this.

    12,648 signatures

  26. Remove powers to vary income tax rates from the Scottish Parliament

    Government responded – 9 September 2024

    The UK Government remains committed to devolution and the government has no plans to alter the devolution settlement to remove income tax powers.

    12,642 signatures

  27. Contact Details On Microchips Must Remain Registered For Life #TuksLaw

    Government responded – 20 August 2021

    The Government will consider some of these issues further as part of the post-implementation review of The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015

    12,605 signatures

  28. Fund breast cancer screening from the age of 40

    Government responded – 20 March 2024

    Women 50-71 are invited to breast screening every three years. Research is being undertaken to review the effects of expanding the age range. The UK NSC will consider the findings when this concludes.

    12,601 signatures

  29. Make Anti-Racism training mandatory in all UK workplaces

    Government responded – 7 August 2020

    We are committed to tackling racism in the UK, and have recently established a new cross-government commission which will consider all options in the round and make recommendations for reform.

    12,569 signatures

  30. Allow Landlords to evict tenants where there are 14 days rent arrears

    Government responded – 10 December 2020

    Landlords can seek possession where tenants have 14 days rent arrears, given emergency legislation, landlords must give 6 months’ notice in such cases before starting formal possession proceedings.

    12,565 signatures

  31. Make financial education compulsory in all schools from primary age

    Government responded – 21 February 2024

    Financial education is a vital life skill and is already compulsory in the national curriculum for citizenship (at Key Stages 3 and 4) and within mathematics (Key Stages 1 to 4).

    12,518 signatures

  32. Require sex of VATP & sexual offenders be recorded throughout justice system.

    Government responded – 14 October 2021

    The Government does not plan to require biological sex to be recorded across the criminal justice system in this way. Policy is being developed in certain areas of demographic recording.

    12,483 signatures

  33. Urge Hong Kong to release all political prisoners and safeguard human rights

    Government responded – 19 January 2022

    As a co-signatory to the Joint Declaration, we will continue to stand up for the people of Hong Kong, to call out the violation of their freedoms, and to hold China to their international obligations.

    12,438 signatures

  34. Increase funding for schools to ensure that they do not enter deficit

    Government responded – 6 December 2022

    In the Autumn Statement, the Chancellor announced that schools in England will be receiving an additional £2 billion net in funding a year in each of the next two financial years.

    12,418 signatures

  35. Remove Egypt from travel red list immediately

    Government responded – 23 August 2021

    Ministerial decisions on allocations to the red list are informed by the latest scientific data and public health advice, to protect public health and the vaccine rollout from variants of concern.

    12,411 signatures

  36. Let airlines allow pets in the airplane’s cabin to and from the UK

    Government responded – 19 April 2024

    All pets entering Great Britain must be checked to ensure compliance with our import requirements. To facilitate these checks pets travelling by air to GB are required to travel as ‘manifest cargo’.

    12,410 signatures

  37. Increase funding for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) education

    Government responded – 19 April 2023

    The Government is investing £2.6 billion between 2022 and 2025 to support local authorities to deliver new specialist SEND places and increasing high needs revenue funding to £10.1 billion in 2023-24.

    12,405 signatures

  38. Public Inquiry into Unfair Trading Practices of Holiday Caravan Park Owners

    Government responded – 12 February 2021

    Unfair practices are prohibited by consumer law and Trading Standards services and the CMA are responsible for its enforcement. The Government has no further plans to launch an inquiry.

    12,399 signatures

  39. Give children and parents automatic rights to equal contact after separation

    Government responded – 30 March 2021

    The government has no plans to give children and parents automatic rights to equal contact after separation. The best interests of the individual child remain paramount in deciding child arrangements.

    12,397 signatures

  40. Review planning legislation to include facilities for HGV drivers.

    Government responded – 17 November 2020

    The Government has already introduced national planning policy which encourages Local Planning Authorities and developers to provide adequate overnight lorry parking facilities where appropriate.

    12,393 signatures

  41. Change outdated laws to prevent forest felling when baby animals are in nests

    Government responded – 5 January 2021

    Landowners must comply with legislation to protect wildlife such as red squirrels, bats and dormice. Granting a felling licence does not change this; it simply authorises the felling of growing trees.

    12,383 signatures

  42. Include public transport workers in priority groups for covid 19 vaccination

    Government responded – 10 February 2021

    For phase I of the vaccine roll-out the key principles of advice by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation are to reduce mortality, to protect the health and care systems, and save lives.

    12,351 signatures

  43. Residential Park Home residents should be eligible for £400 electricity grant

    Government responded – 17 August 2022

    Further funding will be available to provide equivalent support of £400 for energy bills for the 1% of households who will not be reached through the Energy Bills Support Scheme.

    12,348 signatures

  44. Revoke Government cuts to global health research

    Government responded – 22 April 2021

    The Government remains a champion of global health research and recognises the importance of the UK’s contribution. The reduction in ODA for this year is a temporary but necessary measure.

    12,341 signatures

  45. Scrap Drivers Certificate Professional Competence (DCPC) to ease driver shortage

    Government responded – 15 October 2021

    Ensuring that professional drivers of large and heavy vehicles keep their skills up to date is key to maintaining road safety and protecting both vocational drivers and other road users.

    12,306 signatures

  46. Require universities to refund students during any strike action

    Government responded – 30 March 2022

    The Government encourages universities to deliver the high-quality teaching that students have paid for and to consider mitigating the impact of lost teaching.

    12,291 signatures

  47. Establish a peoples scientific and medical panel

    Government responded – 27 October 2020

    Scientific advice is one of the sources of advice the Government considers to prevent the spread and impact of COVID-19. SAGE is the most suitable mechanism to provide scientific advice.

    12,289 signatures

  48. Inquiry into the DVLA’s performance during the Covid-19 pandemic

    Government responded – 19 October 2021

    There are no plans to hold an inquiry into DVLA’s performance which has been fully scrutinised this year in two Transport Select Committee sessions. Ministers are also provided with regular updates.

    12,283 signatures

  49. Fund research into improving the safety of contraceptive options

    Government responded – 9 September 2020

    The safety of contraception has been extensively studied. A range of safe and effective contraceptive options are available and advantages and risks must be balanced for each individual.

    12,282 signatures

  50. Recall Parliament now to scrutinise new Christmas coronavirus restrictions

    Government responded – 11 January 2021

    At the Government's request, Parliament was recalled on 30 December and 6 January. Regulations relating to covid-19 restrictions and measures for a national lockdown were debated respectively by MPs.

    12,275 signatures

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