These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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Petitions with a Government response

1,013 petitions

  1. Reclassify general aviation airfields as greenfield not brownfield sites

    Government responded – 16 May 2024

    We are not seeking to alter airfield classification at this current time.

    11,678 signatures

  2. Lift ban on import of rescue animals from Romania, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland

    Government responded – 24 August 2022

    Great Britain has suspended the commercial import of dogs, cats and ferrets from Belarus, Poland, Romania or Ukraine due to the potential risk to human and animal health and cases of non-compliances.

    11,668 signatures

  3. Ban the sale of artificial grass

    Government responded – 24 September 2020

    The Government has no plans to ban the use of artificial grass.

    11,667 signatures

  4. Introduce a National Pet Exchange Register

    Government responded – 17 March 2021

    The commercial sale of pets is already regulated in England, the Government is actively considering how to tackle pet theft and we note the request for a national pet exchange register.

    11,627 signatures

  5. Stop Whitehaven Coal Mine in Cumbria

    Government responded – 22 March 2021

    The planning application was called in by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government on 11 March. His letter setting out the reasons for this decision can be found on

    11,613 signatures

  6. Ensure global and equitable access to vaccines, tests, treatments, and PPE.

    Government responded – 8 April 2022

    The UK’s G7 Presidency committed to ending the pandemic in 2022. The UK has committed up to £1.4 billion to support this, including funding for access to vaccines, tests, treatments, and PPE.

    11,605 signatures

  7. Review the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) application process.

    Government responded – 8 March 2021

    We are committed to ensuring individuals receive high quality, robust and accurate decisions. We work extensively to ensure the quality of service is continuously improved.

    11,576 signatures

  8. Reduce the minimum time required for ILR to 3 years for non-UK NHS workers

    Government responded – 12 February 2021

    The Government recognises the vital contribution of overseas NHS workers but to qualify for ILR a person must meet various requirements including a substantial period in their sponsored occupation.

    11,567 signatures

  9. Set up an independent regulator to monitor and regulate vehicle fuel pricing

    Government responded – 12 July 2022

    Fuel is an important part of household expenditure. That is why the Government cut fuel duty and requested a review of competition in the market. That review will inform consideration of a watchdog.

    11,563 signatures

  10. Make the NHS Pension scheme tax-unregistered

    Government responded – 10 August 2022

    The Government has no plans to make the NHS Pension Scheme a tax unregistered scheme. This would not benefit the vast majority of members, who would lose tax relief and a tax-free lump sum.

    11,532 signatures

  11. Provide funding to local authorities to protect health visiting provision

    Government responded – 20 August 2021

    Local authorities are responsible for commissioning health visiting services. Funding for this is provided through the public health grant, which will be part of the 2021 spending review.

    11,528 signatures

  12. Public Inquiry into Ofcom's guidance on broadcast standards during the pandemic

    Government responded – 24 March 2023

    A public inquiry into Ofcom's guidance on broadcast standards during the Covid-19 pandemic is not required. The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has been set up to examine the impact of the pandemic.

    11,508 signatures

  13. Stop the Building of the Nuclear Power Plan at Bradwell on Sea

    Government responded – 21 July 2020

    Final approval depends on Bradwell B meeting stringent planning, environmental, security and safety standards, overseen by robust independent regulators including local and wider public consultations.

    11,506 signatures

  14. Hold a full and independent inquiry into the cladding and fire safety scandal

    Government responded – 15 December 2021

    The Building Safety Bill requires an independent person to review building and construction products regulatory regimes. This could cover what went wrong and if the new system has resolved the issues.

    11,490 signatures

  15. Council Tax reduction for people paying Estate Management fees

    Government responded – 13 October 2020

    The Government has confirmed it will introduce legislation so homeowners can better challenge the reasonableness of estate management fees. However, there are no plans for a council tax discount.

    11,488 signatures

  16. For the sake of wildlife & forests ban the release of balloons and sky lanterns.

    Government responded – 5 October 2020

    The Government takes its responsibility of safeguarding the environment seriously. Based on evidence available, we have concluded that an outright ban would be disproportionate in the circumstances.

    11,483 signatures

  17. Increase minimum wage for licensed security workers to £15 an hour

    Government responded – 11 August 2022

    The Government target is for the National Living Wage which applies to all sectors, to reach two thirds of median earnings by 2024. There are no plans to introduce a minimum wage for security workers.

    11,475 signatures

  18. Allow disabled people to keep all their benefits if they move in with a partner

    Government responded – 29 September 2023

    Disabled people are entitled to Income-related Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit if they meet conditions of entitlement depending on their income and capital of their household.

    11,462 signatures

  19. Legislate to enable Councillors to be disqualified or suspended for poor conduct

    Government responded – 25 November 2021

    The Committee on Standards in Public Life, in their report Local Government Ethical Standards, made recommendations on suspension of councillors and conduct. The Government will respond in due course.

    11,453 signatures

  20. Allow BN(O) holders to use e-gates at passport control

    Government responded – 21 September 2023

    We are constantly reviewing eGate eligibility for all groups, including BN(O) holders, however immediate change to eGate eligibility is not possible due to legislative and logistical constraints.

    11,434 signatures

  21. Record the number of bereaved children to ensure they are supported

    Government responded – 12 October 2023

    Losing a loved one is an awful experience, particularly for children. It is not appropriate for a death registration to include the name of any dependent child, but support is available for children.

    11,424 signatures

  22. Provide for resentencing for everyone serving an indeterminate prison sentence

    Government responded – 15 February 2024

    Retrospectively changing the lawfully passed sentence would risk public protection. It is vital that those serving the IPP sentence in prison are released only when the Parole Board deems them safe.

    11,413 signatures

  23. Exempt amateur boxing from Covid-19 restrictions

    Government responded – 23 November 2020

    Boxing is crucial for staying active. Due to the rise in infections, indoor and outdoor sports and leisure must remain closed until 2 December. Grassroots sport will return as soon as it is safe.

    11,394 signatures

  24. Abolish Stamp Duty on all transactions during Corona Virus pandemic

    Government responded – 29 September 2020

    To boost confidence in the property market, the Government temporarily cut SDLT. This means nearly 9/10 people getting on or moving up the property ladder pay no Stamp Duty at all.

    11,390 signatures

  25. Increase staffing to reduce waiting times for visas

    Government responded – 19 July 2022

    Staff have been surged from across our operations and other government departments to assist across a range of visa routes, including the Ukraine schemes.

    11,388 signatures

  26. Scrap VAT on life-saving motorcycle air vests

    Government responded – 8 December 2023

    The Government is committed to the safety of motorcyclists and introduced a zero-rate of VAT on motorcycle helmets. Motorcycle air vests are not included in this, but we keep all taxes under review.

    11,378 signatures

  27. Extend 30 hours free childcare to student midwives/nurses/paramedics

    Government responded – 21 October 2022

    Whilst students are not eligible for 30 hours free childcare, we provide a range of support for high quality early education for all parents including those studying for healthcare qualifications.

    11,366 signatures

  28. Set up a Public Inquiry into age discrimination and ageism in the UK

    Government responded – 10 August 2023

    Most forms of age discrimination are unlawful across a range of fields under the Equality Act 2010. The Act enables individuals to challenge such unlawful behaviour and seek redress in the courts.

    11,348 signatures

  29. Record and publish numbers of companion animals euthanised in England

    Government responded – 21 December 2023

    We are not planning to impose new euthanasia reporting requirements on veterinarians, rescue organisations and kennels.

    11,345 signatures

  30. Grant wraparound and holiday care providers urgent financial support

    Government responded – 15 February 2021

    The Government has made a range of financial support available for businesses, including wraparound providers. This includes loans, cash grants, tax relief, and local authority discretionary funding.

    11,327 signatures

  31. Add content on death, dying and bereavement to the national curriculum

    Government responded – 13 March 2023

    Bereavement can be taught about as part of relationships and health education in an age-appropriate way. When we review the statutory guidance, we will assess whether content on bereavement is needed.

    11,322 signatures

  32. Hold a Public Inquiry into pre and post diagnosis ADHD support.

    Government responded – 4 December 2023

    We have no current plans to hold a public inquiry into pre and post diagnosis ADHD support. We expect ICBs to commission healthcare in line with clear NICE guidelines to improve diagnosis and support.

    11,304 signatures

  33. Allow all students to return to university at the start of the Summer term

    Government responded – 26 April 2021

    Government has continued to prioritise students and their education. Subject to review, all students will return to in-person teaching alongside step 3 of the roadmap, no earlier than 17 May.

    11,302 signatures

  34. Provide housing allowance for Care leavers aged 16 to 25

    Government responded – 29 January 2021

    Care leavers up to age 22 are exempt from the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) Shared Accommodation Rate and are entitled to the higher, one bed LHA rate. We are working to extend that up to age 25.

    11,297 signatures

  35. Give U.K. pensioners living abroad increases with parity as those in the U.K.

    Government responded – 10 May 2022

    There are no plans to change the policy. The Government continues to up-rate the State Pension where there is a legal requirement to do so.

    11,291 signatures

  36. Ensure sex workers are not excluded from banking services

    Government responded – 4 March 2024

    HM Treasury has designated the largest current account providers to offer basic bank accounts – personal current accounts with no overdraft or fees – to eligible UK residents with no bank account.

    11,286 signatures

  37. Review Timetable For Phasing Out Copper Wire Landlines

    Government responded – 15 February 2024

    The PSTN migration is industry-led but Government and Ofcom are monitoring communication providers to ensure that consumers and sectors are protected and prepared for the upgrade process.

    11,270 signatures

  38. Reform the Vaccine Damage Payment with payments based on the scale of disability

    Government responded – 2 May 2023

    The VDPS 60% level of disablement is consistent with the DWP’s Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit. There is no evidence that this threshold provides an undue barrier to claimants.

    11,257 signatures

  39. Recognise Pagan handfasting as a legal form of marriage in England and Wales

    Government responded – 10 June 2021

    The Law Commission’s review of how and where people legally marry in England and Wales will make recommendations later this year to allow greater choice and respect individuals’ wishes and beliefs.

    11,248 signatures

  40. Legislate against any form of Digital ID

    Government responded – 10 September 2024

    The Government supports giving people the choice to use trustworthy and secure digital identity products, which could bring great benefits.

    11,232 signatures

  41. Make hedgehog surveys & mitigation measures compulsory for all new developments.

    Government responded – 8 May 2024

    Defra is working to incorporate nature into development reforms including how planning policy can promote the inclusion of nature-friendly elements, such as hedgehog highways.

    11,222 signatures

  42. Make nurseries exempt from business rates to support the childcare sector

    Government responded – 2 April 2020

    Nurseries in England will pay no business rates this year.

    11,220 signatures

  43. Extension for Commonwealth Citizens on Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visas

    Government responded – 19 August 2020

    A Youth Mobility Scheme visa is granted for a fixed two-year period and cannot be extended. Our response to the pandemic, through our visa provisions, has ensured that no one has been disadvantaged.

    11,214 signatures

  44. Allow ARRS funding to be used for practice nurses and GPs

    Government responded – 22 February 2024

    The 2024/25 GP contract arrangements are subject to consultation with the British Medical Association. It would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage.

    11,174 signatures

  45. Add Romanian to the Modern Languages GCSE

    Government responded – 22 July 2022

    It is for schools to decide which languages they teach as part of their curriculum, and for exam boards to consider which languages have sufficient demand for a GCSE to be made available.

    11,166 signatures

  46. Give Animal Rescue Centres a grant to offset this winters increased heating cost

    Government responded – 18 April 2023

    Businesses and charities are currently being supported by the Energy Bill Relief Scheme. The Government is not currently considering targeted additional support for rescue centres’ heating costs.

    11,138 signatures

  47. Publish false positive and negative Covid-19 test data for Pillar 2

    Government responded – 4 January 2021

    The PCR test is reliable and effective. Like any diagnostic test however, there is always the small possibility of a false negative or a false positive result.

    11,135 signatures

  48. Extend business rates relief to include every English language teaching school

    Government responded – 15 March 2021

    Business rates relief is targeted at the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors given the acute impacts of COVID-19 on them. A range of other measures to support ELT schools are available.

    11,133 signatures

  49. Ban the sale of inappropriately sized enclosures and wheels for small animals

    Government responded – 13 May 2024

    Existing statutory guidance requires that enclosures sold with animals are a suitable size for the animal purchased, prioritising its welfare. We have no wider plans to set mandatory sizes.

    11,124 signatures

  50. Safeguard evidence-based therapy for children struggling with gender dysphoria

    Government responded – 5 July 2021

    Government will ban conversion therapy, maintain safeguards for young people from inappropriate interventions and uphold the independence of clinicians supporting those experiencing gender dysphoria.

    11,118 signatures

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