These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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38,280 petitions

  1. The government to take action on energy prices. Now 4% max increase

  2. To exempt all care residences from energy price increases

  3. Introduce an energy price cap for small business.

  4. Stop the increase of energy supplies and nationalize a UK energy company.

  5. Reform MPs' expenses rules regarding their right to claim for utility bills

  6. Reduce energy costs

  7. Freeze Energy Prices to April 22 price cap

  8. Immediately leave the ECHR and stop illegal imigration

  9. Make owners responsible for actions of dangerous pets when seeking treatment.

  10. Pay ALL social care workers the covid bonus

  11. Make sanitary/menstrual products free

  12. Parent and Child parking space proof

  13. Bring back Southend Airshow

  14. Adjust year one T-Level Health grades

  15. Make cats lose the right to roam on entering someone else's property

  16. Introduce RNLI Lifeguards on the beaches of Gwynedd

  17. Review the Commonwealth Opening Ceremony as the demonic symbolism is apparent.

  18. Ban all firework sales and the use of them for members of the public

  19. Better pay for health and social carers

  20. Debate in Parliament loss of GMP indexation paid by DWP.

  21. Prevent MPs from claiming energy costs until the energy crisis is over.

  22. Leave the European Convention on Human Rights and the Council of Europe.

  23. National Planning Policy Framework to prioritise locally-owned businesses.

  24. Allow Women to have temporary paid sick leave when suffering from Menstrual Pain

  25. Vote of no confidence of current government and call for a general election now

  26. Nationalise energy companies! The government need to do a lot more to help.

  27. Make bus fares less expensive for students.

  28. Reinstate NHS dentist contracts with dental surgeries

  29. Suspend all taxes until the government start working for the Real people

  30. Impose an profit cap for energy companies per kWh

  31. Keep Godmanchester bridge open

  32. Order Ofgem to not increase (and ideally reduce) the energy price cap in October

  33. Make knife crime education mandatory in UK schools.

  34. Stop OFGEM increasing the energy cap in October 2022

  35. Set a standard that only dogs who respond to recall are allowed off the lead.

  36. Abolish Pink Tax

  37. UK Government to stop funding Somaliland’s Authoritarian regime.

  38. Request Her Majesty's pardon for those who were executed for Witchcraft in 1612

  39. Immediately block the migrant crossings from France

  40. Cap Fuel costs to 4% annually

  41. Make Lying About Domestic Abuse A Crime

  42. Force the energy companies to pay the cost of living payments

  43. To remove the ability of MPs from selling off/privatisation of public assets

  44. Make it law all bicycles must be registered and display their registration.

  45. Remove stonewall lobbygroups from schools.

  46. End Sex Education in Primary Schools.

  47. No sex education for under 10 years old

  48. Ban halal and kosher certification and slaughter

  49. Create a Bicycle Awareness Course for car drivers causing danger to cyclists

  50. Mandatory 5 - 10 year prison sentence for carrying a knife without just cause.

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