These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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38,280 petitions

  1. Stop excluding refugees caring for children of friends who remain in Ukraine.

  2. Make Residential Disabled Parking Bays Legally Enforceable.

  3. Stop the ban on tethering birds of prey

  4. I would like the NHS to recognise Irlen Syndrome as a medical condition.

  5. To alow children to have free use of toilets in school

  6. Close all the bars at the Houses of Parliament.

  7. Debate the history of Ukraine-Russian relations to inform UK policy.

  8. Food labels should be changed immediately even when not classed as allergens

  9. Offer Children that attend a school nursery first refusal on reception placement

  10. Audit MPs & government advisors personal finances for links to covid contracts

  11. Allow dogs in cabin to fly back to the UK

  12. Stop ALL schools rewarding 100% attendance.

  13. Remove the calorie mandate on menus in the UK.

  14. Bring an Endometriosis Specialist & Specialist Centre back to Northern Ireland.

  15. Consider a total reform of all the police departments:48 civilian police forces.

  16. Not to raise staff ratios in early years

  17. Ban the sale of anything rawhide for Dogs

  18. Ban single-use plastics in the UK, akin to laws passed in other countries.

  19. Make Gluten Free Prices Cheaper

  20. Get it right first time! Build west Herts A&E hospital central to its population

  21. We DEMAND as electorates, that this is debated! STOP SPRAYING OUR SKIES!

  22. Review Operation Brock & look at other ways of managing delays at Channel ports

  23. Save people of Mariupol surrounded and trapped in AzovStal Plant

  24. List long covid as a disability under the equality act 2010.

  25. Ban schools from not allowing children to go to the toilet.

  26. Clean up the dog waste from the parks, play areas, grassy areas and sidewalks.

  27. Make Prenatal Alienating a criminal offence in Scotland.

  28. Stop nurserys charging parents for days they are closed, eg Bank Holidays.

  29. Change the HMRC mileage rate from 45p per mile to 50p per mile.

  30. Stop deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda

  31. Law makers should not be law breakers. Change the ministerial code.

  32. Legislate against rogue &cowboy traders. Ensure financial refund for victims

  33. Decommission the domestic NHS COVID-Pass

  34. Sack the Prime minister and Chancellor

  35. Stop the deportation of asylum seekers (and 'migrants') to Rwanda.

  36. Stop the government sending asylum seekers to Rwanda

  37. More action against self employed parents who refuse to pay child support

  38. Drop plans to send refugees to Rwanda

  39. Reduce the speed limit of Newcastle Road, Hough from 40mph to 30mph

  40. Stop the government from sending migrants to Rwanda #StoptheShip

  41. Find a permanent solution to disruption caused by delays at the Channel ports

  42. Do not increase student loan repayment interest, cap it to match RPI

  43. Force Boris Johnston from office

  44. Allow petitions to debate MP's links to organisations which impede impartiality

  45. Stop legislation being introduced to ban the breeding of brachycephalic dogs.

  46. Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak broke the law. They must resign. End of story.

  47. Reinstate Halstead Essex Police Station

  48. Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson must resign

  49. Conservative MPs to hold their leader to account and remove Johnson from office

  50. The Prime Minister and Chancellor have lied to parliament and must resign

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