These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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Petitions with a Government response

1,013 petitions

  1. Give parents/guardians a right to access social media accounts of their children

    Government responded – 20 August 2024

    The Government is committed to tackling the harm children face online and we will look at how we can support families to see information about a child’s internet use following a bereavement.

    126,033 signatures

  2. Implement a two week school lockdown before 24 December to save Christmas

    Government responded – 1 December 2020

    As set out in the Government’s COVID-19 Winter Plan, schools should not close early or change their Christmas holidays. It remains a national priority to avoid further disruption to education.

    125,227 signatures

  3. Close all universities down for an appropriate amount of time amidst COVID-19

    Government responded – 24 March 2020

    The Government’s number one priority is the safety of students and staff. The DfE is working with universities to mitigate the effects of COVID-19, based on guidance from Public Health England.

    123,903 signatures

  4. Vets to scan prior to euthanasia for Rescue Back up and confirm keeper details

    Government responded – 7 May 2020

    The Government understands the distress that the death of a pet can cause and is considering scanning requirements, as part of the Post Implementation Review of the microchipping regulations.

    121,170 signatures

  5. Replace Breed Specific Legislation with a new statutory framework

    Government responded – 17 April 2020

    The Government considers that prohibition on the four types of fighting dog under Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 should remain in place. This is supported by police who are responsible for enforcing the Act.

    118,641 signatures

  6. Urge the Indian Government to ensure safety of protestors & press freedom

    Government responded – 15 February 2021

    Media freedom and the right to protest are essential to robust democracies such as the UK and India. Governments have the power to enforce law and order if a protest crosses the line into illegality.

    116,491 signatures

  7. Hold a parliamentary vote on whether to reject amendments to the IHR 2005

    Government responded – 4 July 2023

    We support targeted IHR amendments to ensure a suitable global framework to respond to international spread of disease. Parliament may scrutinise legislation relating to amendments accepted by the UK.

    116,391 signatures

  8. Repeal Breed Specific Legislation

    Government responded – 13 January 2022

    Simply repealing the breed specific provisions in dangerous dogs legislation with no other changes would increase the risks to public safety, which the Government is unwilling to do.

    116,252 signatures

  9. The UK should ban the importation of Shark Fins.

    Government responded – 3 November 2020

    The Government is opposed to SF. SF is banned in UK waters and we support international controls. We are working to address the importation of shark fins, and to end illegal SF practices globally.

    115,383 signatures

  10. Do not implement proposed new offences for vehicle "tampering"

    Government responded – 21 December 2021

    The intention of the consultation proposal is to prevent modifications that negatively impact on road safety, vehicle security and the environment.

    115,285 signatures

  11. Implement Universal Basic Income to give home & food security through Covid-19

    Government responded – 30 March 2020

    The Government does not believe a Universal Basic Income is the best method to tackle the extraordinary situation resulting from COVID-19, because it does not target help to those who need it most.

    114,574 signatures

  12. Commission an independent review of childcare funding and affordability

    Government responded – 23 June 2021

    The Government is not currently planning a review of the childcare system. Support is available to help with childcare costs, and the Government monitors the sustainability of childcare providers.

    113,704 signatures

  13. Reform the Grocery Supply Code of Practice to better protect farmers

    Government responded – 27 November 2023

    The Government is committed to tackling contractual unfairness that can exist in the agri-food supply chain and Defra is working to support farmers and ensure they get a fair price for their products.

    113,515 signatures

  14. Increase Number of Guests Permitted at Weddings, according to Venue Capacity

    Government responded – 11 September 2020

    Wedding ceremonies and celebrations can go ahead provided COVID-Secure guidelines are followed. However social distancing guidance remains, including limiting attendees at weddings to 30 people.

    113,401 signatures

  15. Do not give consent for another Scottish Independence Referendum

    Government responded – 12 February 2021

    The UK Government continues to respect the decision of the people of Scotland who voted decisively in 2014 to remain part of the United Kingdom.

    112,232 signatures

  16. Fern’s Law: Compulsory to scan & check microchips to reunite stolen dogs, cats.

    Government responded – 2 April 2020

    BVA and RCVS provide necessary guidance to scan dogs. We will consider reform options including whether this should be mandatory as part of Post Implementation Review of the microchipping regulations.

    112,232 signatures

  17. Refund university students for 3rd Semester Tuition 2020

    Government responded – 19 May 2020

    HE providers must deliver high quality courses. If students are unhappy they should first complain to their provider and if their concerns are unresolved they can ask OIA to consider their complaint.

    111,499 signatures

  18. Ban Water Companies discharging raw sewage into water courses.

    Government responded – 5 May 2021

    Tackling the harm caused by sewage is a top priority for Government. That is why we have established the Storm Overflows Taskforce and have announced plans for legislation to address this problem.

    111,428 signatures

  19. Dedicate funding for research into Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP)

    Government responded – 12 October 2021

    The Government recognises the challenges faced by people affected by rare disease, and funds research into rare conditions – including fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva – via NIHR and UKRI.

    111,246 signatures

  20. Omit the NHS from any future trade deal with the US

    Government responded – 23 June 2020

    The government has been clear that protecting the UK’s right to regulate in the public interest and protecting public services, including the NHS, is of the upmost importance.

    111,079 signatures

  21. Increase State pensions to £380 a week, and lower retirement age to 60

    Government responded – 21 September 2022

    The Government has no plans to increase State Pension to £380 per week or reduce State Pension age to 60.

    111,010 signatures

  22. Make it a criminal offence for MPs to mislead the public

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    The Government does not intend to introduce legislation. MPs must abide by the Code of Conduct and allegations of misconduct are investigated by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.

    110,966 signatures

  23. Revoke the TV licence using legislation

    Government responded – 14 May 2020

    The Royal Charter maintains the licence fee funding model until 2027. The government will look at the licence fee funding model in advance of the next Charter.

    110,841 signatures

  24. Increase funding for urgent research into devastating motor neurone disease

    Government responded – 7 April 2021

    The Government recognises the immense challenges faced by people with motor neurone disease and is currently working on ways to significantly boost further research into the disease.

    110,700 signatures

  25. Change the law to include laboratory animals in the Animal Welfare Act.

    Government responded – 20 August 2021

    The Government believes animal use for research remains important and The Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) provides specific protection for these animals..

    110,268 signatures

  26. Make swift bricks compulsory in new housing to help red-listed birds

    Government responded – 1 December 2022

    We welcome actions by developers to provide “swift bricks”, however Government considers this a matter for local authorities depending upon the specific circumstances of each site.

    109,896 signatures

  27. End the Cage Age for all farmed animals

    Government responded – 20 August 2021

    The Government is committed to improving farm animal welfare standards and is currently exploring options for introducing further reforms, including phasing out the use of cages in farming.

    109,820 signatures

  28. Referendum in the United Kingdom to abolish the Coronavirus Act.

    Government responded – 15 October 2021

    The Coronavirus Act has proved to be both necessary and highly successful in enabling governments across the UK to support people, and the public services they rely on, whilst combatting the pandemic.

    109,708 signatures

  29. Do not reduce staff-child ratios in early years childcare

    Government responded – 17 May 2022

    We will consult in the summer on moving to the Scottish ratios for two-year-olds, from a ratio of 1:4 to 1:5. We will engage fully with the sector and parents/carers on this proposed change.

    109,488 signatures

  30. Update the Equality Act to make clear the characteristic “sex” is biological sex

    Government responded – 26 January 2023

    Under the Equality Act 2010, providers are already able to restrict the use of spaces/services on the basis of sex and/or gender reassignment where justified. Further clarification is not necessary.

    109,461 signatures

  31. End the use of animals for toxicity tests & prioritise non-animal methods (NAMs)

    Government responded – 24 May 2023

    The Government is already supporting technologies to reduce reliance on the use of animals in research and we will continue to review funding for non-animal methods as part of our normal processes.

    109,378 signatures

  32. Nationalise Energy Companies

    Government responded – 1 September 2022

    The Government does not agree that nationalisation of energy assets is the right approach. Properly regulated markets provide the best outcome for consumers as a driver of efficiency and innovation.

    109,310 signatures

  33. Do not require health and social care workers to take covid-19 vaccination

    Government responded – 29 June 2021

    There is a clear public health rationale for making COVID-19 vaccinations a condition of deployment in care homes in order to protect those who are most vulnerable to severe illness and death.

    109,274 signatures

  34. Fund research for childhood cancers with the worst survival rates

    Government responded – 24 March 2020

    In May 2018 the Government announced £40 million over five years for brain tumour research as part of the Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission. This includes funding for childhood brain tumour research.

    109,179 signatures

  35. #Reggieslaw - Regulate online animal sales

    Government responded – 1 July 2021

    The Government shares the public’s high regard for animal welfare. We endorse the Pet Advertising Advisory Group’s work and support their actions to improve the traceability of online vendors.

    109,004 signatures

  36. Introduce charges on carbon emissions to tackle climate crisis and air pollution

    Government responded – 30 March 2021

    In June 2019, the UK became the first major economy to legislate for net zero emissions by 2050 and the Government remains committed to maintaining an ambitious carbon price.

    108,802 signatures

  37. Protect student choice: do not withdraw funding for BTEC qualifications

    Government responded – 17 August 2021

    The Government is streamlining and improving the quality of post-16 qualifications. We will fund a range of qualifications in addition to T Levels and A levels, which may include some BTECs.

    108,348 signatures

  38. Protect the UK's dwindling hedgehog population before it's too late.

    Government responded – 19 October 2020

    There are currently no plans to give hedgehogs further legal protection. An evidence-based review of Schedule 5 of the Act is in progress and we will consider any recommendations arising from this.

    108,329 signatures

  39. We demand that the Gurkhas receive equal pensions

    Government responded – 19 August 2021

    For most Gurkha veterans the Gurkha Pension Scheme provides a pension at least as good as, and in many cases better than, that given to their British counterparts with identical periods of service.

    108,278 signatures

  40. Increase curriculum content about water safety as part of swimming lessons

    Government responded – 3 June 2021

    The Department expresses its sincere condolences to the family of Dylan Ramsay and is working closely with water safety organisations to support schools to teach water safety effectively.

    108,196 signatures

  41. Find the time to take the Kept Animals Bill through Parliament and make it law

    Government responded – 12 August 2022

    The Kept Animals Bill was reintroduced in May 2022 and will continue its passage through the Commons when parliamentary time allows.

    108,155 signatures

  42. Limit the shooting season of Woodcock

    Government responded – 11 October 2022

    Defra intends to review the list of species, including woodcock, on Schedule 2 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 including the benefits of altering the close season.

    107,918 signatures

  43. Require councils to suspend council tax payments during the coronavirus outbreak

    Government responded – 15 April 2020

    The Government is providing comprehensive support to individuals and households impacted by Covid-19, including a £500 million hardship fund for those in receipt of working age council tax support.

    107,598 signatures

  44. Extend the transition; delay negotiations until after the coronavirus outbreak

    Government responded – 9 April 2020

    The transition period ends on 31 December 2020, as enshrined in UK law. The Prime Minister has made clear he has no intention of changing this. We remain fully committed to negotiations with the EU.

    107,438 signatures

  45. Immediately revoke all licences for arms exports to Israel

    Government responded – 5 March 2024

    HM Government takes its export control responsibilities very seriously and rigorously assesses every application on a case-by-case basis against the Strategic Export Licensing Criteria.

    107,316 signatures

  46. Open a Public Inquiry into Covid-19 Vaccine Safety

    Government responded – 5 January 2022

    The Government commissioned a public inquiry into the pandemic and has no plans for a vaccine safety inquiry. Our surveillance strategy for COVID-19 vaccines provides continuous safety monitoring.

    107,124 signatures

  47. Repeal the current Dangerous Dogs Act and replace with new framework

    Government responded – 24 January 2023

    We currently have no plans to repeal the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. We are considering improvements to the existing legal framework through the Responsible Dog Ownership working group.

    107,099 signatures

  48. Enforce the “50+1” Rule for professional football club ownership in the UK

    Government responded – 24 May 2021

    The European Super League proposals demonstrated now is the right time to launch the fan-led review of football governance. This will be a comprehensive examination of the English football system.

    107,066 signatures

  49. Allow international travel to visit partners and family

    Government responded – 20 April 2021

    The Government recognises the immense challenges these restrictions place on people with loved ones based outside the UK. Unfortunately, at this time people must only travel with a reasonable excuse.

    106,595 signatures

  50. VALERIE'S LAW Compulsory Training for Agencies Supporting Black DV Victims

    Government responded – 6 July 2021

    Current training on domestic abuse should include recognising the specific needs of victims due to their ethnicity or cultural background; Government does not feel it is necessary to mandate it.

    106,518 signatures

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