
These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

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28,102 petitions

  1. Stop the DVLA charging double road tax for the month in which a vehicle is sold.

    797 signatures, now closed

  2. Offer a biopsy to all women referred to a breast cancer clinic

    796 signatures, now closed

  3. Introduce a nationwide deposit return system for plastic bottles in the UK

    796 signatures, now closed

  4. All caravans travelling overseas should have proof of ownership validated.

    795 signatures, now closed

  5. Re-open empty Army Barracks for Homeless Ex Servicemen

    794 signatures, now closed

  6. Examine the benefits of Driver CPC EU Dir 2003/59 with a view to scrapping it.

    794 signatures, now closed

  7. Make Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT) available on the NHS.

    793 signatures, now closed

  8. Schools to have mental health and disabilities a part of the curriculum

    793 signatures, now closed

  9. Allow tax payers to opt out of funding war and fund conflict prevention instead

    790 signatures, now closed

  10. Make it illegal to introduce car parking charges for common land car parks

    790 signatures, now closed

  11. Revise current Care Order categories for adoption breakdowns.

    790 signatures, now closed

  12. ESA claimants examined by Independent Doctor not Work Capability Assessment

    789 signatures, now closed

  13. End homelessness in Britain by adopting and funding the "Housing First" project.

    786 signatures, now closed

  14. Provide separate labour wards for women giving birth to stillborn babies.

    785 signatures, now closed

  15. A review for tougher sentences for all of One Punch assaults and fatalities

    785 signatures, now closed

  16. Social workers or Cafcass should have to record meetings with parents/children.

    784 signatures, now closed

  17. A Bomber Command Campaign Medal honouring those who served

    784 signatures, now closed

  18. Allow EU nationals with permanent residence to participate in a People's Vote

    783 signatures, now closed

  19. To impose Stricter laws for the use of horse drawn carts, & roadside tethering

    782 signatures, now closed

  20. Regulate the Cosmetic and Beauty Treatment Industry in the UK

    782 signatures, now closed

  21. Stop the Experimental Closures on the byways & Droves near Stonehenge

    776 signatures, now closed

  22. Fund and support an infertility and mental health awareness campaign

    773 signatures, now closed

  23. Ban average speed cameras due to them being a distraction for drivers.

    773 signatures, now closed

  24. Confirmed date for National Rollout of voluntary right to buy

    772 signatures, now closed

  25. To ban to use of deep confinement booths in schools.

    772 signatures, now closed

  26. Ban the sale and use of Glyphosate

    771 signatures, now closed

  27. Continue to recognise and allow the Inbound European Au Pair program post Brexit

    770 signatures, now closed

  28. Reverse 2016, 5 year increase in qualifying years needed for new state pension.

    769 signatures, now closed

  29. Change the law to ban local councils from using schools as polling stations.

    768 signatures, now closed

  30. Government to adopt a single comprehensive measure of poverty as standard

    768 signatures, now closed

  31. Make it law that university students get a refund for cancelled lectures

    767 signatures, now closed

  32. Exempt ALL NHS Healthcare Professionals from the Minimum Earnings Threshold

    766 signatures, now closed

  33. Set up a public inquiry into Greater Manchester Police.

    766 signatures, now closed

  34. Change the trespass law from a civil offence to a criminal one.

    764 signatures, now closed

  35. Scrap Smart Motorways in England and stop the 40pmh regular speed restrictions.

    764 signatures, now closed

  36. Ban the use and production of micro-plastic glitter!

    764 signatures, now closed

  37. Reopen Pilning Station's 2nd platform and make it a request stop

    763 signatures, now closed

  38. Question Cameron's decision to impose fundamental constitutional change

    762 signatures, now closed

  39. Provide more funding to help children with additional needs in MOD schools

    760 signatures, now closed

  40. Set shorter referral times for mental health treatment on the NHS

    759 signatures, now closed

  41. Increase Funding for Existing Youth Clubs and Open New Youth Clubs Across the UK

    759 signatures, now closed

  42. To legalise handguns for fac holders

    757 signatures, now closed

  43. Independent review of appointments to Office of Students board

    757 signatures, now closed

  44. Get the transport secretary to review the C2C rail contract.

    756 signatures, now closed

  45. Introduce a legal right to paid time off for all women who miscarry a pregnancy

    754 signatures, now closed

  46. Make PSA tests mandatory for all men over 50

    751 signatures, now closed

  47. Introduce a health and safety law on the maximum temperature in a workplace

    750 signatures, now closed

  48. Provide 24 hour concessionary travel for disabled people

    750 signatures, now closed

  49. Stop Network Rail's programme to fell millions of trees

    750 signatures, now closed

  50. Legalise physician assisted Suicide

    747 signatures, now closed

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