
These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

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Published petitions

10,950 petitions

  1. Make planting trees a priority to reduce flooding by improving soil and drainage

    30,665 signatures

  2. The government has no mandate to privatise the NHS and should cease immediately.

    30,390 signatures

  3. Call on DEFRA to withdraw UK approval of A24 trap, sold in NZ to kill hedgehogs.

    29,613 signatures

  4. Stop KS1 tests and go back to teacher judgements and levels

    29,463 signatures

  5. Save State-Funded Nursery Schools

    29,200 signatures

  6. We demand the British Government Reschedule Cannabis.

    29,114 signatures

  7. STOP all immigration & implement an Aussie style border control system.

    28,986 signatures

  8. Car insurance is compulsory therefore it should be nationalised

    28,879 signatures

  9. Immediately stop plans to cut Southeastern services to Charing Cross & Victoria

    28,678 signatures

  10. Stop changes to the Civil Service Compensation Scheme

    28,643 signatures

  11. Allow loud call for prayer (Adhan) in UK mosques

    28,609 signatures

  12. Make Continuous Glucose Monitors available on the NHS for Type 1 Diabetics

    28,410 signatures

  13. Make it a criminal offence for a mother to deny a father contact with his child

    28,214 signatures

  14. Sharia Law and the use of Sharia courts within the UK should be prohibited.

    27,885 signatures

  15. Overturn the Government's decision to allow fracking in Lancashire.

    27,868 signatures

  16. DECC to urgently review the current approach to the solar feed in tariff

    27,695 signatures

  17. Do not judge student finance on parents/guardians income

    27,605 signatures

  18. Force close Retailers on Boxing day! Greed keeps many having to go to work!

    27,525 signatures

  19. Verify that all child refugees accepted into the UK are genuinely under 18.

    27,509 signatures

  20. Fund more research into DIPG brain tumours, which are almost universally fatal.

    27,502 signatures

  21. Ask the Government not to invoke article 50 of the Lisbon treaty.

    27,151 signatures

  22. Put the final Brexit deal to a referendum with revoking Article 50 as an option.

    27,005 signatures

  23. Debate the possibility that the "Will of the People" has changed since Brexit

    26,951 signatures

  24. Give military veterans priority housing and mental health care

    26,754 signatures

  25. Allow retired dependent parents of British citizens in U.K

    26,741 signatures

  26. Introduce LGBT sex education as a compulsory part of the school curriculum.

    26,607 signatures

  27. Introduce a moratorium on the hunting of critically declining wading birds

    26,043 signatures

  28. A change in prime minister should trigger a general election.

    25,897 signatures

  29. Let Parliament decide whether or not we remain a member of the European Union

    25,729 signatures

  30. Hold public inquiry into West Ham & LLDC deal for rental of Olympic Stadium

    25,528 signatures

  31. Allow GCSE English candidates to have blank texts during their exams.

    25,349 signatures

  32. Protect grouse Moors and grouse shooting

    25,322 signatures

  33. Scrap the "rape clause" and the "family cap" on social security payments.

    25,307 signatures

  34. Don't ban tackling in school rugby.

    24,680 signatures

  35. Protection for Sikhs to not have their turbans removed at airports.

    24,575 signatures

  36. Save Our Homecare. More funding to support people at home & reward careworkers.

    24,540 signatures

  37. Keep the small claims track limit for personal injury claims at £1,000.00

    24,398 signatures

  38. Abolish road tax on Motorcycles.

    24,194 signatures

  39. Parliament should hold Tony Blair to account for the war in Iraq

    24,126 signatures

  40. Stop the Illegal Slaughter of Migrating Songbirds on MoD land in Cyprus.

    24,035 signatures

  41. Keep all lead ammunition.

    23,942 signatures

  42. To introduce a permanent, minimum passing distance when overtaking cyclists.

    23,834 signatures

  43. Change the law on the dangerous dog act 1991 Stop putting healthy dogs down.

    23,749 signatures

  44. Work with UK Sport to reinstate GB badminton funding for the next Olympic cycle

    23,740 signatures

  45. Provide Orkambi treatment on the NHS for Cystic Fibrosis patients

    23,686 signatures

  46. Ban the making and receiving of all phone calls whilst driving.

    23,557 signatures

  47. Legalise Medicinal Cannabis.

    23,414 signatures

  48. Make rape and sexual consent a mandatory part of sex education.

    23,363 signatures

  49. Extend the Early Years Foundation Stage from "birth to 5" to "birth to 7"

    23,337 signatures

  50. Please help keep Teesside Steelmaking open.

    23,242 signatures

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