These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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1,013 petitions

  1. Replace the real bearskins used for the Queen’s Guard’s caps with faux fur

    Government responded – 11 February 2022

    Currently we have no plans to end the use of bearskins. Bear pelts that are used are the by-products of a licensed cull by the Canadian authorities to manage the wild bear population.

    106,354 signatures

  2. Require train operators keep ticket offices and platform staff at train stations

    Government responded – 11 October 2023

    The rail industry has consulted on plans to modernise to provide the service passengers deserve, moving staff from behind ticket office screens to provide help and advice in customer-focused roles.

    106,156 signatures

  3. Give UK nurseries emergency funding if they have to close down amid COVID-19

    Government responded – 14 April 2020

    The Government has announced a comprehensive package of support for individuals and businesses which will directly benefit providers of childcare.

    106,128 signatures

  4. Ban the shooting of badgers immediately

    Government responded – 12 October 2020

    Natural England carries out compliance monitoring and ensures that each cull company has suitable arrangements and plans in place to carry out an operation that is safe, effective and humane.

    106,108 signatures

  5. Stop the rising number of ear-cropped dogs in the UK

    Government responded – 9 March 2021

    The Government welcomes further evidence on this abhorrent practice from the RSPCA. We will also explore options to tackle the import of mutilated dogs, consistent with World Trade Organisation rules.

    105,844 signatures

  6. Provide more funding for stalking advocates for victims of stalking

    Government responded – 27 August 2021

    The Government provided additional funding to stalking charities to help support victims, including funding specifically for advocacy, both this year and last.

    105,721 signatures

  7. Publish the Russia report

    Government responded – 19 March 2020

    The Prime Minister cleared the ISC’s Russia report on 13 December 2019. The Russia Report is the property of the ISC and is for them to publish once the normal reappointment process is complete.

    105,310 signatures

  8. End the UK’s membership of the World Health Organization

    Government responded – 17 November 2023

    The UK Government will not end our WHO membership. We are committed to working with the WHO to tackle the world’s health issues. We do not and will never cede sovereign powers through our partnership.

    104,974 signatures

  9. Do not remove LGBT content from the Relationships Education curriculum

    Government responded – 31 January 2023

    Primary schools are not required to teach LGBT content but can choose to teach it in an age-appropriate way. The Department for Education has no plans to change its advice to schools on this subject.

    104,920 signatures

  10. Ban greyhound racing to end unnecessary deaths & suffering of racing dogs

    Government responded – 26 November 2020

    Defra supports high welfare for racing greyhounds, considers that welfare concerns are being addressed in many ways, and believes a ban is unnecessary.

    104,885 signatures

  11. Tom’s Law - Give police the power to suspend driving licences

    Government responded – 11 February 2021

    The Government is committed to reducing road casualties and supporting responsible road users by identifying and prosecuting the few who make our roads less safe for the many.

    104,868 signatures

  12. Stop Forestry England granting licenses for Fox & Hare hunts

    Government responded – 7 December 2020

    Trail hunting is a legal activity. Forestry England permits trail hunting under an agreement with the Masters of Fox Hounds Association. It has the power to suspend or withdraw any permission.

    104,705 signatures

  13. Give government workers a fair pay rise

    Government responded – 16 October 2020

    The 2020/21 pay remit guidance allows departments to make pay awards between 1.5 and 2.5%. We believe this achieves a balance of fair pay for civil servants and value for money for taxpayers.

    104,704 signatures

  14. Suspend trade agreement with Faroe Islands until all whale & dolphin hunts end

    Government responded – 26 October 2021

    The UK strongly opposes the hunting of cetaceans and is committed to upholding high animal welfare standards in its trade relationships. We continue to urge the Faroe Islands to stop cetacean hunts.

    104,660 signatures

  15. Protect Retail Workers from Abuse, Threats and Violence.

    Government responded – 15 September 2020

    The Government is not persuaded that a specific offence is needed as a wide range of offences already exist which cover assaults against any worker, including shop workers.

    104,354 signatures

  16. Tougher sentences for hit and run drivers who cause death

    Government responded – 28 August 2020

    It is wholly irresponsible for drivers to fail to stop and report an incident. However, the offence of failing to stop should not be used to punish an offender for a serious, but not proven, offence.

    104,323 signatures

  17. Allow fully vaccinated people coming from red list countries to isolate at home

    Government responded – 6 July 2021

    Public health has always been our number one priority and we will not risk throwing away our hard-won achievements which have only been possible through the work of the British people

    103,999 signatures

  18. Create a Palestinian Family Visa Scheme for Palestinian people affected by war

    Government responded – 21 December 2023

    There are no plans to introduce bespoke arrangements for people arriving from the region. Those wishing to come to the UK who currently have no visa can apply under one of the existing visa routes.

    103,834 signatures

  19. Stop the implementation of betting affordability/financial risk checks

    Government responded – 16 November 2023

    We are committed to a proportionate, frictionless system of financial risk checks, to protect those at risk of harm without over regulating. The Gambling Commission will set out plans in due course.

    103,537 signatures

  20. Mark Allen's Law - we want throwline stations around all bodies of open water

    Government responded – 1 July 2021

    This tragic loss of life highlights the importance of landowner's responsibility to assess and act on the risks posed by open bodies of water on their land.

    103,527 signatures

  21. Grant an urgent Amnesty to Undocumented Migrants living in the UK

    Government responded – 18 March 2021

    The Immigration Rules already provide for undocumented migrants to regularise their status where appropriate, but such a provision would unduly reward those who have not complied with immigration law.

    103,441 signatures

  22. Shut all nurseries and early years settings during lockdown

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    The wider restrictions in place as part of the national lockdown to contain the spread of the virus in the community enable us to continue prioritising keeping nurseries and early years settings open.

    103,176 signatures

  23. Support the British aviation industry during the COVID-19 outbreak

    Government responded – 7 May 2020

    The Government has announced an unprecedented package of support for companies impacted by COVID-19, including the job retention and business loan schemes.

    103,040 signatures

  24. Repeal the Coronavirus Act 2020

    Government responded – 20 October 2020

    With the Coronavirus pandemic still at large, the Coronavirus Act, and the measures within it, remain as important as ever.

    102,808 signatures

  25. Make the use of free-running snares illegal for trapping wildlife

    Government responded – 13 January 2022

    The Government recognises that some people consider snares to be an inhumane and unnecessary means of trapping wild animals and will launch a call for evidence on the use of snares.

    102,617 signatures

  26. Make it a legal requirement for drivers to stop & report collisions with cats

    Government responded – 22 February 2022

    The Government has no plans to make it an offence to drive off after hitting a cat. A focus for this Government is to make roads safer for all users, which will in turn reduce the risk to all animals.

    102,437 signatures

  27. Scrap the Voter ID requirement introduced in the Election Integrity Bill

    Government responded – 25 May 2021

    Voter identification is part of the Government’s body of work to strengthen the integrity and security of our elections. We will not remove voter identification requirements from the Elections Bill.

    102,430 signatures

  28. Require employers to offer career breaks for parents with a seriously ill child

    Government responded – 20 July 2023

    The Government understands the difficulties and worry faced by parents of seriously ill children. We have no plans to introduce a right to take a career break in these circumstances.

    102,316 signatures

  29. Ban commercial breeding for laboratories. Implement reform to approve & use NAMs

    Government responded – 27 May 2022

    The use of animals in science supports the development of new medicines and the safety of our environment, for the benefit of humans and animals, and is only permitted when there are no alternatives.

    102,230 signatures

  30. Reduce fuel duty and VAT by 40% for a period of 2 years

    Government responded – 17 November 2021

    The Government is taking targeted action to help families across the UK with the cost of living, which includes freezing fuel duty in 2022-23, the twelfth consecutive year.

    102,125 signatures

  31. To allow non-prescribed storage of Salbutamol Inhalers in Commercial Kitchens

    Government responded – 25 August 2021

    Asthma inhalers are a mainstay of treatment and access to prescribed inhalers can save lives. The Licensing Authority can consider evidence to support a specific exemption to supply controls.

    102,057 signatures

  32. Mini’s law - Protect the public and animals from hunting activities

    Government responded – 24 May 2021

    The police can take action under the Dogs Act 1871 where dogs are out of control and dangerous to other animals. This Government will not amend the Hunting Act.

    101,996 signatures

  33. Increase funding for research into Endometriosis and PCOS.

    Government responded – 24 August 2020

    The Government recognises the importance of research into endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. The Government is funding a broad range of research through its funding organisations.

    101,910 signatures

  34. Plan to phase out animal experiments

    Government responded – 4 August 2021

    The Government funds and supports the development of techniques that replace, reduce and refine the use of animals in research (3Rs). This is primarily delivered by the National Centre for the 3Rs.

    101,411 signatures

  35. Don’t increase the income requirement for family visas to £38,700

    Government responded – 10 January 2024

    The Government intends to raise the MIR in line with the general salary threshold for skilled workers, but will do so in stages to provide predictability for families, starting in spring 2024.

    101,321 signatures

  36. Coronavirus Support Package for Directors / Shareholders of small Limited Co's.

    Government responded – 5 June 2020

    The Government has announced an unprecedented package of support for those adversely affected by Covid-19, including support available to owner-managers operating under a Limited Company.

    101,094 signatures

  37. No prosecution for parents that remove child from school during a pandemic.

    Government responded – 6 April 2020

    The Government has introduced emergency legislation in response to the pandemic. The Coronavirus Act 2020 allows a suspension of the duty on parents to secure regular school attendance for their child

    100,650 signatures

  38. Change the legal driving age to 15

    Government responded – 10 October 2023

    The Government has no current plans to lower the legal driving age. This is because young drivers remain as one of the highest fatality groups.

    95,664 signatures

  39. Continue the ban on the use of Neonicotinoids

    Government responded – 17 February 2021

    The Government will maintain the restrictions on neonicotinoids. This emergency authorisation, similar to other European countries, is for a limited period for a specific crop with tight controls.

    91,266 signatures

  40. Move the State Pension age back to 60 for both men & women

    Government responded – 28 July 2021

    Parliament has voted to equalise the State Pension age (SPa) and subsequent retirement ages for men and women. Reducing it to 60 is neither affordable nor fair to tax payers and future generations.

    89,883 signatures

  41. Add education on diversity and racism to all school curriculums

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    Racism in all its forms is abhorrent and has no place in our society. Schools play a significant role in teaching children about the importance of respect and tolerance for all cultures.

    89,497 signatures

  42. Recognise Teaching Assistants as an important asset to schools by raising wage.

    Government responded – 12 August 2022

    Government recognises the importance of teaching assistants. Schools are free to set their pay and most mirror local government pay scales. These are in negotiation due to report in September.

    88,410 signatures

  43. Make the use of free-running snares illegal for trapping wildlife

    Government responded – 25 June 2021

    The Government recognises that some people consider snares to be an inhumane and unnecessary means of trapping wild animals and will launch a call for evidence on the use of snares.

    84,638 signatures

  44. Invest to guarantee women’s access to breast screening – now and for the future

    Government responded – 13 March 2023

    The Government is committed to supporting and improving the NHS breast screening programme. Measures have been introduced to reduce barriers to access and improve uptake of screening.

    84,605 signatures

  45. Extend driving theory test certificates expiring in 2020/21 by 12 months

    Government responded – 19 January 2021

    The maximum duration of two years between passing the theory test and practical test is in place for road safety reasons and the Government has no current plans to lay legislation to extend it.

    83,062 signatures

  46. Create a Turkish Family Scheme visa for people homeless due to the earthquake

    Government responded – 1 March 2023

    The Government has no plans to adopt this proposal but has responded with life-saving support to people affected in the region. Existing visa routes for those wishing to come to the UK are available.

    82,718 signatures

  47. Make Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha public holidays

    Government responded – 26 May 2023

    While the Government recognises the importance of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha and the valuable contribution Muslims make to this country, it has no plans to make these festivals bank holidays.

    78,480 signatures

  48. End all requirements to wear face coverings immediately

    Government responded – 11 May 2021

    Everyone must continue to minimise the risk of further COVID-19 waves. The best way remains the wearing of face coverings together with regular hand-washing, social distancing and fresh air.

    76,227 signatures

  49. Do not vaccinate children against COVID-19 until Phase 3 trials are complete

    Government responded – 7 June 2021

    The Government will continue to evaluate evidence and assess expert opinion before making a decision on routinely vaccinating children under 18 years old.

    74,140 signatures

  50. Scrap the compulsory £210 home test kit when arriving in U.K.

    Government responded – 19 April 2021

    It is illegal to travel abroad for holidays and other leisure pursuits unless for legally permitted reasons. Such travellers should factor the costs of their COVID-19 tests into their travel plans.

    73,009 signatures

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