These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Make it an offence for a parent to stop child contact with the other parent
359 signatures, now closed
Allow homosexuals to give blood freely
359 signatures, now closed
Ban the import, fishing, purchase and sale of Sharks and Shark Fins in the UK.
358 signatures, now closed
End bedroom tax for bereaved parents/carers on the room of their deceased child
358 signatures, now closed
Ban 'anti-homeless' benches in the UK
357 signatures, now closed
Smoke alarms should be a legal requirement in homes with children
356 signatures, now closed
Compulsary Subsidised Swimming Lessons for Children (ages 3-10 years) in the UK.
356 signatures, now closed
Make removing items from a grave without permission illegal
356 signatures, now closed
Add age verified delivery option to Offensive Weapons Bill Section 15
355 signatures, now closed
Grant Carrol James the right to remain on indefinite leave in the UK
355 signatures, now closed
Ban the sale of unnecessary single use plastics in UK shops.
354 signatures, now closed
Make it a criminal offence in the UK not to report discovering a death
353 signatures, now closed
Reduce the risk of flooding by halting major developments on our floodplains
353 signatures, now closed
In further public vote on course of leaving the EU, "Remain" not an option shown
352 signatures, now closed
Mandatory for alcoholic drinks to display the dangers of alcohol when pregnant
352 signatures, now closed
Produce statutory guidance on how universities should support Dyslexic students.
352 signatures, now closed
Make malicious, false reports or allegations to authorities a criminal offence.
352 signatures, now closed
Stop Natural England revoking GL04, GL05 & GL06 licences to shoot birds
351 signatures, now closed
Mandatory training for Police and DV Agencies about DV Issues in BME Communities
351 signatures, now closed
Support and promote a Military Spouse Appreciation Day in the UK
350 signatures, now closed
Grant student mothers the same protections as working mothers
349 signatures, now closed
Make a fair, set amount of maintenance per child and not 25% of income!
349 signatures, now closed
Require all school transport to use child locks
348 signatures, now closed
Promote plant-based lifestyles
348 signatures, now closed
Honour the Righteous Among the Nations at the UK Holocaust Memorial
348 signatures, now closed
Employ IDVA's (independent domestic violence advocate) in ALL family courts
348 signatures, now closed
Follow France’ lead and ban all five pesticides linked to bee deaths
348 signatures, now closed
Provide grant assistance for electric vehicle conversions
347 signatures, now closed
Make it illegal for cycle races/time trials to race on open, public ways/roads.
347 signatures, now closed
Legalise a new class of light electric vehicles
347 signatures, now closed
Raise the legal sex age to 18 years of age
346 signatures, now closed
Make Bullying in School a criminal offence
345 signatures, now closed
Protect the welfare of small animals by banning their sale from retail outlets
345 signatures, now closed
Save a sensitive heritage-defining greenfield site from industrial development.
344 signatures, now closed
Look at the stats for adopted children failing in education and reasons why
343 signatures, now closed
Cut the number of Councillors proposed to sit on new Buckinghamshire Council.
342 signatures, now closed
Make it illegal for MPs & immediate family to own shares in weapon manufacturers
341 signatures, now closed
Make the denial of genocide in Srebrenica illegal and subject to prosecution
340 signatures, now closed
On exit of EU, enact law to require rabies titer for dogs entering without owner
340 signatures, now closed
Same sex unmarried/civil partnered parents to be on Childs birth certificate
339 signatures, now closed
Railcard for armed forces veterans
339 signatures, now closed
Lower the retirement age for men and women to 65
339 signatures, now closed
Amend the Health & Social Care Act to increase focus on supporting relationships
339 signatures, now closed
Regulate the beauty & Aesthetics Industry to protect Non medics & the public
339 signatures, now closed
Equality for gay men giving blood
339 signatures, now closed
Theresa May to publicly condemn the government of Myanmar/Burma
339 signatures, now closed
Ban the sale of over the counter drugs such as paracetamol to children.
337 signatures, now closed
Make sign language part of the national curriculum
337 signatures, now closed
Ensure direct train services are maintained/improved to London from Surrey Heath
337 signatures, now closed
Scrap the £500 deposit to run for parliament
336 signatures, now closed