
These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

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28,074 petitions

  1. I pay tax on my pension of £12500 a year. why is it people on £26000 benefits don't pay tax?

  2. stay in europe and keep human rights

  3. Stephen Sutton For An OBE

  4. Campaign to make October 24th international mold day

  5. Heskey for the World cup squad 2014

  6. Label religiously slaughtered meat

  7. Ban Halal meat from the UK

  8. Petition to allow the working class to buy Freddo's again.

  9. psychiatry

  10. 26mgmt to Philadelphia comic con

  11. Get a new internet provider in LB HQ

  12. stephen sutton

  13. David Moyes not to be sacked

  14. effects of austerity + cuts, at chancellor hands

  15. stop school fines all together

  16. Maria Miller to pay back all expenses she wrongly claimed

  17. government ministers expenses

  18. Culture Secretary Maria Miller

  19. Longer sentances for child abusers

  20. Ban halal and kosher slaughter of animals in the UK

  21. Fire Michael Gove from parliament

  22. magic gathering

  23. Save our golf clubs

  24. save our MOT testing and repair stations

  25. Make Ist of April Nathaniels Birthday a public holiday

  26. making viable back bench motions binding on the govt.

  27. provision of at least one dog beach in any area

  28. David moyes

  29. Fight proposal of Usk car parking charges

  30. stop animal testing. use peadophiles and rapists instead

  31. ban pregnancy

  32. stop bbc three going online

  33. Make Michael Cera Batman

  34. Get England banned from international football

  35. Harriet Harman should resign after pedophile abuse

  36. justin bieber to stay in the USA

  37. Ban the Goverment from sending tax payers money to the Ukraine

  38. Finance for flood defences

  39. Let kids enjoy their childhood, say no to longer school days!!

  40. launch a royal commission on current drug policy

  41. cat control

  42. Ban speed limit on Lake Windermere

  43. Ban e-petitions from Facebook


  45. Ban peanut containing foods at schools

  46. daniel hannan

  47. stop all welsh colleges being forced to merge

  48. Stonehenge festival

  49. repatriation of foreign criminals in our jails

  50. dawat at umairs house

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