These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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Petitions with a Government response

1,013 petitions

  1. Give non-British citizens who are NHS workers automatic citizenship

    Government responded – 6 May 2020

    Migrant workers in the NHS are doing an amazing job and we are offering them free visa extensions. But to be fair to all migrants we think the requirements for citizenship should be the same for all.

    72,626 signatures

  2. Fund continued access to modulators drugs for Cystic Fibrosis patients

    Government responded – 8 December 2023

    Existing patients will be eligible for continued treatment during and following the NICE evaluation. NICE is working with all parties to address the issues raised in its draft guidance.

    72,253 signatures

  3. Hold a referendum on removing the London Assembly and London Mayor

    Government responded – 21 March 2023

    The Government has no current plans to hold a referendum on the role or functions of the Mayor of London or London Assembly; devolved transport policies are best determined locally.

    71,554 signatures

  4. Require education staff to be trained on learning disabilities and autism

    Government responded – 11 July 2023

    The Department recognises the needs of all pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and considers all education staff as supporting SEND pupils.

    71,399 signatures

  5. Increase funding to provide support and research into Tourettes Syndrome

    Government responded – 19 April 2021

    Funding has been committed to support research into Tourette’s syndrome. Services are locally commissioned, with clinical specialists supporting patients and their families.

    71,035 signatures

  6. Keep schools closed until Covid 19 is no longer a threat

    Government responded – 25 November 2020

    Government’s priority is that all pupils remain in school full-time. For the vast majority of young people, the benefits of being back in school far outweigh the low risk from coronavirus (COVID-19)

    70,337 signatures

  7. Retain bans on cat, dog, seal fur imports, and extend to ban all fur imports

    Government responded – 27 March 2023

    There are already bans in place which the Government will retain. We have no plans currently to make further changes.

    69,946 signatures

  8. Prioritise COVID-19 vaccines for first responders (police, fire, ambulance)

    Government responded – 23 February 2021

    For phase 1 of the roll-out, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation’s principles and advice are; to reduce mortality, to protect the health and social care systems, and to save lives.

    68,969 signatures

  9. Enshrine the Military Covenant in UK Law

    Government responded – 9 November 2020

    This Government is highly focused on the needs of the Armed Forces Community and is committed to strengthening the Armed Forces Covenant through further legislation as set out in the Queen’s speech.

    68,897 signatures

  10. Enable all students to end university tenancy agreements early due to Covid-19.

    Government responded – 23 February 2021

    We do not currently have plans to legislate in this area. University and private providers are autonomous but we encourage them to be fair and consider students’ interests in their decisions.

    68,297 signatures

  11. Fund pay rise for police officers in line with inflation, plus 1%

    Government responded – 11 October 2022

    It would not be appropriate for the Government to make pay awards for police officers without meeting its legal duty to consider the recommendations of the independent Police Remuneration Review Body.

    68,062 signatures

  12. Shift to a Wellbeing Economy: put the health of people and planet first

    Government responded – 25 May 2021

    While traditional economic measures such as GDP remain important, the government is committed to broadening the range of measures it uses, including by better accounting for natural and human capital.

    67,909 signatures

  13. To Seek a 1 year Extension to the Brexit Transition Period & a Second Referendum

    Government responded – 25 November 2020

    The deadline for an extension to be agreed, 1 July 2020, has passed. The transition period ends on 31 December 2020, as enshrined in UK law. The Government will not be extending the transition period.

    65,954 signatures

  14. Explore options for making NurOwn available to treat Motor Neurone Disease (MND)

    Government responded – 7 May 2020

    The Government recognises the devastating effects of motor neurone disease. It is a key priority to provide access to the most effective and innovative medicines and treatments for NHS patients.

    65,433 signatures

  15. Delay the ban on rehoming and owning XL Bully dogs for 18 months

    Government responded – 6 February 2024

    Following a concerning rise in attacks and fatalities caused by XL Bully type dogs, the Government has acted decisively to ban this breed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

    65,343 signatures

  16. Condemn burning of the Holy Qur’an in Sweden

    Government responded – 20 July 2023

    The UK Government strongly condemns the burning of the Holy Qur’an. The UK Government is committed to freedom of expression and freedom of religion or belief, and denounces hatred.

    64,735 signatures

  17. Permit larger weddings based on guests testing negative for COVID-19

    Government responded – 25 February 2021

    The Government understands the unique significance of weddings and civil partnerships. Currently, restrictions are in place due to the coronavirus pandemic. This is to protect the NHS and save lives.

    64,697 signatures

  18. Allow ALL vaccinated British Expats to visit the UK without quarantining

    Government responded – 18 June 2021

    Public health has always been our number one priority and we will not risk throwing away our hard-won achievements which have only been possible through the work of the British people.

    64,643 signatures

  19. Abolish time limits to bring charges for offences for acts of domestic violence

    Government responded – 16 April 2021

    Where the 6-month time limit prevents a domestic incident from being charged as a common assault, alternative charges to which it does not apply include other assault offences and coercive behaviour.

    64,286 signatures

  20. Offer the State Pension to all at 60, increase to equal 48hrs at the Living Wage

    Government responded – 30 January 2024

    The Government has no plans to increase the State Pension to equal 48 hours at the National Living Wage or to be made available from age 60.

    64,082 signatures

  21. Urgently review the current Ofsted Framework and associated methodology

    Government responded – 6 April 2023

    Ofsted inspections are hugely important in providing assurance on educational standards and safeguarding, and prompting improvement. Arrangements are always kept under review, and that will continue.

    64,034 signatures

  22. Allow Salons and Tattoo parlors to open at same time as hairdressers

    Government responded – 17 July 2020

    Beauty salons and Tattoo Parlours across England will be able to reopen safely from Monday 13. Semi-Permanent Make-up Salons can open if they do not provided services in the highest risk zone.

    61,486 signatures

  23. Lower the age you are offered a cervical screening (smear test) from 25 to 16

    Government responded – 12 January 2021

    In line with recommendations from the World Health Organization and UK National Screening Committee, cervical screening is not offered to women under 25 because it can cause more harm than benefit.

    61,444 signatures

  24. Mandatory printing of car registration numbers on all Drive Thru packaging.

    Government responded – 22 April 2021

    We do not think it would be cost-effective to require take-away food vendors to implement a vehicle registration number printing and tracing system for packaging.

    60,050 signatures

  25. Make parking for all NHS staff free all of the time.

    Government responded – 24 September 2020

    Hospital car parks are free for NHS staff for the duration of pandemic and the Government is delivering on its manifesto commitment to make them free for those in greatest need.

    59,835 signatures

  26. Allow non-professional singing in groups of more than six indoors

    Government responded – 9 June 2021

    The Government eased restrictions from Step 3 to allow up to 6 people to sing indoors. It is right that we take a cautious response and follow the views of public health experts.

    59,255 signatures

  27. Commit to a public review of HS2 project and suspend all on-going work now

    Government responded – 20 July 2020

    The Government is doing whatever is necessary to deal with Covid-19, while continuing to invest in the country’s future infrastructure and level up the economy. That is why we are getting on with HS2.

    59,109 signatures

  28. Cancel HS2 and use the money for the NHS and local economies, post Covid-19.

    Government responded – 1 June 2020

    The Government is doing whatever is necessary to deal with Covid-19 now, while continuing to invest in the country’s future infrastructure. That is why we are getting on with HS2.

    58,743 signatures

  29. Allow driving instructors to pass learners unable to book a test

    Government responded – 19 January 2021

    There is no provision within legislation that allows an approved driving instructor (ADI) to conduct a driving test for a learner driver. The Government has no plans to lay legislation to amend this.

    58,090 signatures

  30. Extend paid maternity leave by at least four months

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    Government has no plans to extend paid Maternity Leave. Existing Maternity Leave entitlements are among the most generous in the world, up to 52 weeks of leave are available of which 39 are paid.

    56,988 signatures

  31. Invest urgently in the NHS cancer workforce in the autumn Spending Review

    Government responded – 19 October 2021

    Cancer diagnosis and treatment has remained a priority throughout the pandemic. Funding for the NHS workforce will be confirmed as part of the Spending Review.

    56,836 signatures

  32. Do not ban gender transition treatments for under 18s

    Government responded – 20 July 2020

    The Government has no plans to restrict access to current health care treatment for people under 18 displaying gender dysphoria and wishing to transition to a non-natal sex.

    56,289 signatures

  33. Make Hedgehogs a Protected Species

    Government responded – 23 March 2020

    There are no plans to give hedgehogs further legal protection as there is little evidence that this is the best approach to benefit the conservation of the species.

    56,092 signatures

  34. Increase funding for NHS transgender services

    Government responded – 7 May 2021

    The Government is providing additional funding and resources to help reduce waiting times for gender identity services and is planning further additional services.

    55,947 signatures

  35. Delay 5G in the UK until there’s been an independent investigation

    Government responded – 11 June 2020

    In relation to 5G, PHE has said that the exposure to radio waves is expected to remain low relative to international guidelines and, as such, there should be no consequences for public health.

    55,848 signatures

  36. Do not restrict our right to freedom of expression online.

    Government responded – 27 January 2022

    The Government is committed to protecting free speech. The Bill contains strong protections for freedom of expression and will not prevent adults from accessing or posting legal content.

    55,743 signatures

  37. Revoke local government powers to charge CAZ, LEZ, and ULEZ.

    Government responded – 24 January 2022

    Powers enabling local authorities to introduce road user charging schemes are long-standing and remain an appropriate tool to deliver local transport objectives including air quality improvements.

    55,520 signatures

  38. One-off Grant To Be Paid To Anyone Who Has Not Benefited From A Covid-19 Scheme

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    Individuals who cannot benefit from the Job Retention Scheme or Self-Employment Income Support schemes can benefit from the comprehensive package of other support for workers and businesses.

    55,188 signatures

  39. Don’t ban flavoured e-liquids for e-cigarettes

    Government responded – 12 March 2024

    To address the rise in youth vaping, vape flavours that appeal to children will be restricted. We will consult further, being mindful of the role flavours can play in supporting adult smokers quit.

    54,867 signatures

  40. Introduce independent body to enforce the ministerial code on ministers.

    Government responded – 15 June 2022

    The Government is accountable to Parliament and the British people. The Prime Minister issues and upholds the Ministerial Code in line with his position as head of Her Majesty’s Government.

    54,709 signatures

  41. Amend PCSC Bill to withdraw power to seize vehicles used as mobile homes

    Government responded – 26 July 2021

    The provisions within Part 4 of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill are currently being debated in Parliament. The Government has no plans to remove the vehicle seizure power within Part 4.

    54,368 signatures

  42. Make State Pensions tax free

    Government responded – 29 January 2024

    The Personal Allowance is set at a level high enough to ensure that pensioners whose sole income is the new or basic State Pension do not pay income tax.

    54,139 signatures

  43. Ban urban and garden pesticides to protect bees, other wildlife and human health

    Government responded – 19 August 2021

    The Government is committed to supporting alternatives to chemical pest control and recently consulted on a National Action Plan to minimise the risks and impacts associated with pesticides.

    53,906 signatures

  44. Make access to food a legal right - no one in the UK should go hungry

    Government responded – 20 April 2021

    The UK recognises the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, including a right to food, and remains committed to fulfilling our obligations in this respect.

    53,659 signatures

  45. Repeal Coronavirus Act and end all Covid-19 restrictions

    Government responded – 21 January 2021

    With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic still being at large with the emergence of the new variants, the measures taken by the Government to tackle the virus remain as important as ever.

    53,229 signatures

  46. Offer healthcare workers on tier2 visa ILR after 2 years instead of 5 years

    Government responded – 13 February 2023

    The Government recognises the vital contribution of overseas health workers but to qualify for ILR a person must meet various requirements including a substantial period in their sponsored occupation.

    52,962 signatures

  47. Increase the state pension to £19,760 a year (£380 a week)

    Government responded – 14 April 2022

    The Government has no plans to match State Pension and the NLW, which serve different purposes. We have never paid our pensioners more, spending over £134 billion on pensioner benefits this year.

    52,776 signatures

  48. Call for the UK government to formally recognise the State of Palestine

    Government responded – 7 July 2020

    The UK will recognise a Palestinian state at a time when it best serves the objective of peace. Bilateral recognition in itself cannot end the occupation. We need to see a negotiated settlement.

    52,625 signatures

  49. Ban Supertrawlers from UK waters after leaving the EUs Common Fisheries Policy

    Government responded – 14 January 2021

    Now that the transition period has ended, we are reviewing our policy on access for supertrawlers. This review will be driven by evidence.

    51,674 signatures

  50. Overturn the decision to allow the use of neonicotinoid pesticides

    Government responded – 23 February 2021

    The Government will maintain the restrictions on neonicotinoids. This emergency authorisation, similar to other European countries, is for a limited period, for a specific crop with tight controls.

    51,645 signatures

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