These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
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Petitions with a Government response
487 petitions
Pay school support staff the whole time contracts that they so rightly deserve.
Government responded – 10 March 2016
School support staff can contribute positively to pupils achieving their full potential. The Government believes decisions on support staff should be made by heads and teachers to reflect local needs.
18,483 signatures
Fight the European Comission on the ridiculous regulations of e-cigarettes
Government responded – 20 November 2015
The Government recognises the potential benefits of e-cigarettes to reduce the harms of smoking. The TPD introduces a regulatory framework which does not ban flavours or the use of refillable tanks.
18,435 signatures
Save British Steel making. Scunthorpe, Teesside, Port Talbot etc.
Government responded – 16 March 2016
The Government is determined to ensure a viable future for the Scunthorpe plant and the UK steel industry by acting on cheap imports, energy costs, procurement, and emissions regulations.
18,429 signatures
Abolish the AFPRB and give the military a truly independent body to award pay.
Government responded – 21 January 2016
The Armed Forces’ Pay Review Body (AFPRB) provides independent advice to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Defence on the remuneration and charges for members of the Armed Forces.
18,418 signatures
Please make Diwali an authorised school holiday for children of Asian origin.
Government responded – 1 July 2016
The Government believes that decisions about the school year are best taken locally.
18,264 signatures
Stop North Devon District Hospital possible closures of essential services.
Government responded – 6 July 2016
Reconfiguration of front line health services is a matter for the local NHS, led by clinicians and in the interests of local people. Any significant service changes will be formally consulted on.
18,254 signatures
Begin a public inquiry into the performance of the Northbound Dartford Crossing.
Government responded – 3 October 2016
Dart Charge has reduced journey times for users of the Dartford Crossing.
18,163 signatures
Give British commonwealth citizens in the UK for 5 years British nationality.
Government responded – 24 April 2017
Those who live in the UK for more than five years can already apply for British citizenship.
18,021 signatures
Save UK Air Cadet Gliding
Government responded – 21 March 2016
The MOD has confirmed plans to relaunch Air Cadet Aviation to ensure cadet flying opportunities are available whilst delivering value for money.
17,892 signatures
I would like non-halal meat in all chain restaurants & for halal to be labelled.
Government responded – 22 March 2017
The Government believes that consumers should have the necessary information available to them to make an informed choice about their food.
17,734 signatures
To stop disabled children and adults being changed on dirty toilet floors.
Government responded – 6 February 2017
We recognise the importance of Changing Places toilets to disabled people and their carers and will continue to work with Mencap and others to support their provision.
17,699 signatures
Increase the penalty for people who steal dogs.
Government responded – 6 October 2016
There are stiff penalties in place for those convicted of theft of a dog including the possibility of imprisonment for up to 7 years.
17,622 signatures
Publicly funded bodies should keep the freedom to boycott unethical companies
Government responded – 1 March 2016
The Government has published new guidance on existing policy that makes clear that boycotts in public procurement are inappropriate outside where formal legal sanctions have been put in place.
17,460 signatures
Bring in a proportional representation system for UK general elections.
Government responded – 14 July 2016
This Government is committed to respecting the will of the British people as expressed in the 2011 referendum by keeping the First Past the Post system for elections to the House of Commons.
17,459 signatures
Remove the rail franchise from South Eastern
Government responded – 1 February 2016
The industry is working hard to improve services and we are reforming passenger compensation. We are determined to provide the service passengers expect across the country.
17,417 signatures
A vote of no-confidence in the Prime Minster David Cameron. Calais crisis
Government responded – 1 September 2015
The Government continues to work closely with the French government and other partners to address the situation in northern France, including with the UK haulage sector and others to protect drivers.
17,347 signatures
Newspaper apologies or corrections must be same size and page of original story.
Government responded – 13 April 2016
The Government is committed to independent press self-regulation and does not interfere with decisions taken by press regulators
17,241 signatures
Frontline ambulance staff should be able to retire with full benefits aged 55.
Government responded – 28 January 2016
Recent changes to the NHS Pension Scheme are based on evidence that people are living longer and receiving pensions for longer; the average 60 year old now lives 10 years longer than in the 1970s.
17,176 signatures
Ban the use of previous sexual history as evidence in sexual abuse or rape cases
Government responded – 2 November 2016
The law restricts the circumstances in which evidence of complainants’ sexual history may be used in trials of sexual offences.
17,161 signatures
Save the 'Children's nurse' degree course. Our Children & Young People need us
Government responded – 10 March 2017
The Nursing and Midwifery Council has informed the Government that it is not seeking to change the four fields of nursing in a consultation this Summer.
17,076 signatures
This petition calls for a total ban on the use of packs of hounds for hunting
Government responded – 17 March 2017
The Government has a manifesto commitment to give Parliament the opportunity to repeal the Hunting Act 2004 on a free vote with a government bill in government time.
17,073 signatures
Ban toxic lead ammunition
Government responded – 17 February 2016
The Government is considering the independent Lead Ammunition Group’s report and will respond as soon as possible. See:
17,052 signatures
Allow 16 and 17 year olds the vote in the upcoming EU referendum.
Government responded – 18 March 2016
As an issue of national significance, the Parliamentary franchise – which starts at 18 – is the appropriate starting point. The UK Government has no plans to change the voting age.
17,034 signatures
An independent investigation into the new layout at Dartford river crossing.
Government responded – 6 January 2016
The Dart Charge improvements have significantly reduced journey times at this crucial part of the road network, particularly for people travelling southbound.
17,018 signatures
Create a new offence of "animal murder" with a minimum of 5 years on conviction.
Government responded – 1 June 2016
The Government abhors animal cruelty. The existing law makes it an offence to cause any unnecessary suffering to an animal - not just resulting in the animal being killed.
16,868 signatures
Disallow puppy farms in the UK in which beagles are bred for animal testing
Government responded – 21 September 2015
The use of animals, including dogs, in research is a vital tool for the development of new medicines and technologies. In order to ensure animals are protected, we have a rigorous regulatory system.
16,856 signatures
Honour pension protections for nuclear workers.
Government responded – 31 January 2017
Government recognises sensitivities around these statutory pension protections. The NDA Estate Employers are consulting workforces on pension reform, after which Ministers will consider the results.
16,855 signatures
A total outright ban of fox hunting
Government responded – 13 April 2017
The Government has a manifesto commitment to give Parliament the opportunity to repeal the Hunting Act 2004 on a free vote with a government bill in government time.
16,723 signatures
Give all ancient woodland statutory legal protection.
Government responded – 17 June 2016
Woodland cover in England is at its highest level since the 14th century. The National Planning Policy Framework provides strong protection for ancient woodlands.
16,705 signatures
Theresa May: Seek an urgent cross-party solution to the health and care crisis
Government responded – 14 February 2017
The Government recognises the pressures on the health and social care system. It is supporting the NHS’s own plan for the future and going further than ever before to integrate health and social care.
16,501 signatures
Theresa May to go on patrol with a police force for a full set of night shifts.
Government responded – 18 November 2015
Police reform is working and that is due in no small part to the professionalism, dedication and sacrifice shown by police officers and staff in the line of their duty.
16,495 signatures
We ask the Government to reconsider proposed move of Southend A&E to Basildon.
Government responded – 21 October 2016
Local NHS service changes should be led by clinicians and be in patients’ best interests. The NHS in Mid and South Essex will consult fully as it develops a service model best to meet local need.
16,441 signatures
Minute silence for our youth lost to youth violence on the national calendar.
Government responded – 8 July 2016
The Government does not normally hold national silences to mark days other than for Armistice Day, Remembrance Sunday or for a single major tragedy.
16,253 signatures
Create a compassionate Euro-wide policy to deal with refugee migrants in Calais
Government responded – 20 October 2015
The UK and French Governments have been working together closely for many months to address the situation in northern France, and we are committed to resolving it together.
16,239 signatures
Stop making Nurses have to pay a Registration Fee of £ 120 per year.
Government responded – 27 April 2017
The NMC, as an independent body, sets a registration fee at the level required to fund its regulatory activity including registration and revalidation, education and standards and fitness to practise.
16,232 signatures
No sex education for under 10 years old
Government responded – 13 April 2017
We are introducing Relationships Education in primary and Relationships and Sex Education in secondary school to support children with age-appropriate education to develop safe, healthy relationships.
16,047 signatures
All West Sussex Schools to receive pupil funding at the national average.
Government responded – 19 October 2016
We are firmly committed to introducing fairer funding through the national funding formula, so schools are funded on a fair and transparent basis, according to actual measures of need.
16,016 signatures
Public Holiday in place of Feb 29th as the average salaried person loses £113.
Government responded – 10 March 2016
The Government has no plans to create a public holiday in place of 29 February every leap year.
15,856 signatures
Make a legal requirement for papers to print corrections at same size as errors.
Government responded – 14 December 2016
The Government is committed to independent press self-regulation and does not interfere with decisions taken by press regulators.
15,849 signatures
Remove Church of England Bishops from the House of Lords.
Government responded – 8 February 2016
Changes to the composition of the House of Lords, including Church of England Bishops, are important but, given the very full programme of other constitutional changes, are not a priority at present.
15,793 signatures
Maintain the Erasmus scheme despite Britain's exit from the European Union
Government responded – 19 September 2016
The result has no effect on students abroad under Erasmus or applying for 2016/17. Payments will be made as usual. Access after we leave the EU will be considered in the post-Article 50 negotiations.
15,765 signatures
Reinstate allowances regarding spelling for pupils with dyslexia.
Government responded – 4 May 2016
We are committed to supporting pupils with dyslexia. The teacher assessment of writing will help to ensure that all pupils have a secure grounding in this subject and identify where support is needed.
15,713 signatures
Remove the 1% public sector pay cap. Teachers, nurses etc deserve a pay rise too
Government responded – 15 September 2015
Public sector pay is comparable to the private sector on average. Furthermore, public sector workers continue to benefit from a premium once employer pension contributions are taken into account.
15,436 signatures
A referendum to Vote Scotland out of the U.K.
Government responded – 10 November 2016
The Government is committed to making a success of leaving the EU, together as one United Kingdom. In 2014 people in Scotland voted to remain part of the UK and that result should be respected.
15,404 signatures
Suspend Natural England licence to kill buzzards.
Government responded – 22 September 2016
Buzzards are widespread in England and the issuing of control licences has no impact on their conservation status. This approach balances conservation of wildlife and supporting the rural economy.
15,403 signatures
Invest more money into scientific research to find the cause of M.E./CFS
Government responded – 19 July 2016
The Government supports research into CFS/ME through the MRC and the NIHR. High quality research applications are welcomed at any time.
15,400 signatures
Give more funding to brain tumour research.
Government responded – 25 April 2017
We have set up a working group on Brain Tumour Research to discuss how we can increase the level and impact of research into brain tumours.
15,293 signatures
Ask Civil Aviation Authority to rethink their charges to the 2016 Airshow season
Government responded – 23 February 2016
The Government expects the Civil Aviation Authority to review its draft air display & low flying permission charges after its current consultation, in which we encourage those interested to take part.
15,081 signatures
Make crohns and colitis disease a known disability
Government responded – 6 May 2016
In the Equality Act, anyone with a physical impairment causing substantial, long-term effect on daily activities is protected from discrimination, so avoiding the need to list specific conditions.
14,923 signatures
Ban the sale of fireworks to the public and introduce a licensing system
Government responded – 3 December 2015
We are aware that fireworks can cause distress to some people and to animals. Restrictions on the public’s use of fireworks do exist and advice on their safe use is available.
14,860 signatures