These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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Petitions with a Government response

1,013 petitions

  1. Reverse the change to Small Brewers Relief.

    Government responded – 27 August 2020

    The Government is reforming SBR to address issues raised by brewers. Over 80% of brewers are unaffected by these changes and many will benefit. We will consult further this Autumn.

    51,609 signatures

  2. Increase sentences relating to knife crime

    Government responded – 29 June 2021

    The government keeps offences and penalties under review. Minimum sentences are rarely used; there are currently no plans to introduce further minimum sentences in this area.

    51,575 signatures

  3. Extend furlough beyond October for the travel industry.

    Government responded – 28 September 2020

    The Government will continue to provide comprehensive support to sectors and the economy as a whole to ensure that jobs and livelihoods are protected.

    51,502 signatures

  4. Ban all animal experiments & redirect Government funding to human-based research

    Government responded – 17 January 2022

    Animal testing is a critical part of understanding human and animal health and treating disease and can only be conducted legally in the UK when there are no alternatives.

    51,474 signatures

  5. Pause Ofsted inspections and reform how school performance is evaluated

    Government responded – 4 January 2024

    The government remains committed to the regular Ofsted inspection of all schools. Inspection plays a vital role in providing assurance that pupils are receiving a high-quality education and are safe.

    51,074 signatures

  6. Require negative covid test to enter the UK

    Government responded – 15 January 2021

    The Government has introduced mandatory pre-departure COVID-19 testing. All arrivals from outside the Common Travel Area must possess a negative test result from within 3 days of departure to England.

    50,595 signatures

  7. Pledge any necessary military support to defend Ukraine

    Government responded – 22 April 2022

    The UK continues to respond decisively to Russia’s unprovoked and sustained attack of Ukraine. We will continue to supply military and humanitarian support to help Ukraine defend its sovereignty.

    50,321 signatures

  8. Ban the sale of fireworks to the general public

    Government responded – 1 November 2023

    The Government has no plans to ban the sale of fireworks to the public but continues to monitor the situation. We believe the majority of individuals use fireworks safely and appropriately.

    50,288 signatures

  9. Make pet abduction a specific criminal offence

    Government responded – 4 September 2023

    Whilst the theft of pets is already a crime, we would be supportive of legislation on pet abduction when parliamentary time allows.

    49,593 signatures

  10. Release HMP Prisoners due to COVID-19 - temporary release, licence, tag, curfew

    Government responded – 8 April 2020

    The Government has announced up to 4000 low risk and vulnerable offenders will be temporarily released. They will be subject to strict licence conditions, risk assessment, and electronic monitoring.

    49,569 signatures

  11. All nurseries and places of education to stay closed after Xmas to 15 January

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    On 4 January, the PM announced restriction of attendance at education settings, except early years, to vulnerable children and young people and children of critical workers, to reduce transmission.

    49,386 signatures

  12. Ensure Student Nurses are paid whilst on placement

    Government responded – 24 November 2020

    Clinical placements provide supervised training. Student nurses are not paid but receive financial support to train through student loans and non-repayable maintenance grant of at least £5,000 a year.

    49,350 signatures

  13. Ban sale of fireworks to the public and limit sales to licensed displays only

    Government responded – 15 November 2022

    The Government has no current plans to ban the sale of fireworks to the public but continues to monitor the situation. We believe the majority of individuals use fireworks safely and appropriately.

    48,955 signatures

  14. Remove Turkey from the red list

    Government responded – 24 June 2021

    Turkey was placed on the red list on 12 May to help prevent the importation of variants of concern and to protect the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccination programme at a critical time.

    48,872 signatures

  15. Cancel A-level and GCSE exams 2022

    Government responded – 15 February 2021

    The department will continue to monitor the impact of the pandemic on all students, including those due to take exams in 2022, to ensure that students in this cohort can achieve a fair grade.

    48,757 signatures

  16. Prioritise Key Retail Workers, being offered the Covid Vaccine!

    Government responded – 10 February 2021

    For phase I of the vaccine roll-out the key principles of advice by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation are to reduce mortality, to protect the health and care systems, and save lives.

    47,938 signatures

  17. Cancel GCSE and A-Level Exams for Summer 2022 due to lack of proper education

    Government responded – 10 January 2022

    All other things being equal, exams are the best way of judging what students know and can do. It is the government’s firm intention that exams should go ahead in 2022.

    47,299 signatures

  18. Make abuse or violence towards retail workers a standalone criminal offence

    Government responded – 30 October 2023

    The Government is committed to supporting hardworking retail workers, who can suffer intolerable violence and abuse, but we do not think more legislative change is required or will be most effective.

    47,130 signatures

  19. Save Community Sports Clubs and Leisure Facilities with a Sports Recovery Fund

    Government responded – 23 November 2020

    Sports providers and facilities are crucial for people staying active. Government has provided unprecedented support to businesses through tax reliefs, cash grants and employee wage support.

    46,767 signatures

  20. Rejoin the EU under Article 49 TEU

    Government responded – 14 May 2020

    On 31 January 2020 the United Kingdom left the EU. On 31 December 2020, at the end of the transition period, the UK will fully recover its economic and political independence.

    46,766 signatures

  21. Amend the Health and Care Bill to protect the NHS.

    Government responded – 29 October 2021

    Protecting the NHS is of the utmost importance to the Government. We are committed to ensuring the NHS continues to provide excellent care that is free at the point of need for generations to come.

    46,716 signatures

  22. Extend the Gambling Act to cover Loot Boxes

    Government responded – 6 July 2020

    The government takes concerns around loot boxes very seriously and will be launching a call for evidence this summer. This will put us on the best footing to take whatever action is necessary.

    46,627 signatures

  23. Pay self employed workers a wage due to lack of earnings caused by COVID-19.

    Government responded – 15 April 2020

    The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme was announced on 26 March 2020 to help those with lost trading profits due to COVID-19. It is one of the most generous self-employed schemes in the world.

    46,574 signatures

  24. Protect free NHS prescriptions for over 60s

    Government responded – 28 January 2022

    89% of prescription items are dispensed free of charge. People who pay for their prescription charges and need many prescription items can save money with a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC).

    46,495 signatures

  25. Ban the sale of used power tools at car boot sales and markets

    Government responded – 17 April 2024

    The Government has no plans for such a sales ban, but recognises the impact of this crime, and is consulting on how new law and other crime prevention measures can best protect a van and its contents.

    46,397 signatures

  26. Reject the proposals for Junction 10 of the A3/M25

    Government responded – 24 August 2020

    As this is a live planning application, we are unable to comment on the merits of the proposals.

    46,388 signatures

  27. Make fireworks illegal to buy, with the exception of public displays.

    Government responded – 25 November 2021

    The use of fireworks is an issue that the Government takes seriously. We believe that the majority of people who use fireworks do so responsibly.

    46,070 signatures

  28. Suspend Section 25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act (Grounds C to G)

    Government responded – 21 April 2022

    The Government has no plans to suspend Section 25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act. Further intervention in the commercial property market should be made only after the upcoming review has reported.

    46,054 signatures

  29. Give further financial support to the Events and Hospitality industry

    Government responded – 15 October 2020

    On 9th October the Chancellor extended the Job Support Scheme to provide temporary help to businesses that have been legally required to close as a direct result of the Covid-19 restrictions.

    45,963 signatures

  30. Ban the importation of dogs with cropped ears.

    Government responded – 20 October 2020

    Cropping dogs’ ears is abhorrent, is banned here, and after January 2020 the Government will explore options to tackle imports of mutilated dogs, consistent with World Trade Organisation rules.

    45,165 signatures

  31. Hold a referendum on ending devolution in Wales

    Government responded – 12 October 2023

    The UK Government has no plans to hold a referendum on the future of devolution in Wales.

    45,152 signatures

  32. We would like the government to consider social care as equally important to NHS

    Government responded – 20 April 2020

    Social care provides vital support. We are providing councils with additional funding and supporting the workforce in responding to COVID-19 and will bring forward a plan for social care this year.

    44,984 signatures

  33. Increase State Pensions to £416.80 per week & lower Retirement Age to 60 for All

    Government responded – 7 February 2023

    The Government has no plans to increase State Pension to £416.80 per week or reduce State Pension age for everyone to 60.

    44,956 signatures

  34. Do not put fluoride in all tap water.

    Government responded – 14 October 2021

    Water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure to improve oral health. Public consultation will be an important part of the process ahead of introducing any new schemes.

    44,860 signatures

  35. Delay the reopening of schools to September

    Government responded – 30 June 2020

    We want all children and young people to return to school as soon as possible. Schools began to welcome back more pupils from 1 June.

    44,696 signatures

  36. Close the borders! Suspend ALL immigration for 5 years.

    Government responded – 27 February 2024

    The Government has implemented the most significant measures in a generation to reduce legal migration and end illegal migration; however, suspending immigration entirely would harm the UK’s economy.

    44,389 signatures

  37. Hold a public inquiry into Russian interference in UK politics

    Government responded – 21 March 2022

    The UK has a robust process to protect against foreign interference, led by the intelligence and security agencies. There are no plans to alter this approach or initiate a public inquiry.

    44,150 signatures

  38. Referendum on re-joining the EU

    Government responded – 22 January 2021

    The Government was elected on a clear mandate to deliver the result of the 2016 referendum, the largest democratic vote in British history. The Government has no plans to rejoin the EU.

    43,263 signatures

  39. Raise Motorway Speed Limits to 100mph and Dual Carriageways to 80mph

    Government responded – 22 May 2024

    The Government has undertaken no recent assessment on increasing national speed limits and we have no current plans to undertake such an assessment on the basis of traffic flow or other factors.

    42,796 signatures

  40. Introduce national limits on horse breeding

    Government responded – 4 August 2021

    The Government shares the public’s high regard for animal welfare. We continue to have close engagement with the equine sector and are monitoring the situation regarding the supply of foals.

    42,751 signatures

  41. Highway Code Rules 163 and 215 to be made law. Pass horses wide and slow.

    Government responded – 21 April 2020

    The Government has no plans to make Highway Code Rules 163 and 215 laws. The Highway Code already has sufficient rules in place that means drivers can be prosecuted if they put horse riders in danger

    42,396 signatures

  42. Extend furlough scheme for theatre and live music industry.

    Government responded – 27 October 2020

    After 8 months, the CJRS will close on 31 October. The Chancellor has announced the Job Support Schemes to provide targeted support for businesses and employees.

    42,303 signatures

  43. Change the school week to a four day week

    Government responded – 19 October 2023

    The Government has no plans to reduce the school week. This would be damaging to pupils and parents. Collective action by government and the sector is being taken to address teacher workload.

    42,137 signatures

  44. Stricter laws governing the purchase/acquisition/possession of crossbows

    Government responded – 20 May 2021

    Crossbows are subject to statutory controls. Legislation is already in place to deal with those who use crossbows as a weapon. The Government has no plans to legislate further at this time.

    42,082 signatures

  45. Fund NHS scheme for women with Endometriosis to freeze their eggs

    Government responded – 23 April 2021

    The National Institute for Heath and Care Excellence (NICE) has guidelines on the treatment of women with endometriosis, including the management of endometriosis-related fertility problems

    41,759 signatures

  46. Shakeel's Law - Reform laws on hit and run drivers

    Government responded – 5 October 2021

    The Government is committed to reducing road deaths. However, the offence of failing to stop should not be used as an alternative route to punish offenders for serious, but unproven offences.

    41,749 signatures

  47. Create a one off Bank Holiday on Monday June 21st 2021.

    Government responded – 17 March 2021

    The Government has no plans to create a one-off bank holiday on 21st June 2021. While we recognise the sacrifices made in the fight against Covid-19, the costs and wider impacts would be significant.

    41,737 signatures

  48. Remove South Africa from the travel 'Red List'

    Government responded – 23 August 2021

    Ministerial decisions on allocations to the red list are informed by the latest scientific data and public health advice, to protect public health and the vaccine rollout from variants of concern.

    41,641 signatures

  49. Increase the HMRC Mileage Rate from 45p/mile to 60p/mile

    Government responded – 11 October 2022

    The Approved Mileage Allowance Payment rate is advisory and is 45p/mile for the first 10,000 miles and 25p thereafter. As with all taxes and allowances, the Government keep the AMAP rate under review.

    41,589 signatures

  50. Launch a Public Inquiry into the approval process for covid-19 vaccines

    Government responded – 20 December 2022

    The Government is confident that the approval processes of the medicines regulator are robust. It is a matter for the COVID-19 public inquiry whether it wishes to pursue any of these issues.

    41,504 signatures

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