These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
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31,730 petitions
Increase Carers Allowance in line with the Living Wage
14,806 signatures, now closed
Ban the use of plastic microbeads in all cosmetic products sold in the UK.
14,717 signatures, now closed
Stop UK Government and Departments from labeling "State Pension" as benefits!
14,681 signatures, now closed
Allow 16/17 year olds to vote.
14,656 signatures, now closed
All teaching staff to learn about the Autistic Spectrum
14,637 signatures, now closed
Abolish the House of Lords if it delays Brexit.
14,561 signatures, now closed
The decision to water down the recent European decision on the bass stocks
14,560 signatures, now closed
Save the Police Unit that Protects Wildlife from Human Cruelty
14,539 signatures, now closed
Make it easier to remove bullies from schools, at any age and fine the parents
14,532 signatures, now closed
Allow British families to stay together by removing minimum income requirements.
14,457 signatures, now closed
Call an emergency parliament session to properly discuss NHS Reinstatement Bill.
14,434 signatures, now closed
All UK residents to be placed on the Organ Donor Register.
14,345 signatures, now closed
Give immunity against prosecution to armed forces personel who served in NI.
14,329 signatures, now closed
Abolish the TV licence
14,288 signatures, now closed
Don't close Poole Hospital's A&E or Bournemouth Hospital's A&E!
14,270 signatures, now closed
Make passing / approaching horses and horse drawn vehicles part of driving test
14,188 signatures, now closed
Recognise Both Crohns Disease & Ulcerative Colitis As A Disability
14,183 signatures, now closed
Change the law, so that UK citizens can force an immediate General Election.
14,178 signatures, now closed
End the contracts with Atos, Capita and maximus as they are not fit for purpose.
14,094 signatures, now closed
Stop councils using surface/gravel dressing to maintain roads
13,947 signatures, now closed
Delay triggering Article 50 until after voters vote on the UK EU Exit Package.
13,942 signatures, now closed
Extreme vetting of immigrants and visitors to the UK
13,914 signatures, now closed
Remove the franchise for Southern Rail from Govia Thameslink.
13,787 signatures, now closed
Test on Request-GP's to listen to girls & if they have symptoms to do the smear
13,732 signatures, now closed
CCTV in ALL dementia care facilities by LAW.
13,701 signatures, now closed
UK must apologise for the Balfour Declaration & lead peace efforts in Palestine
13,637 signatures, now closed
Fast track naturalisation for EU citizens resident in the UK longer than 5 years
13,626 signatures, now closed
Re-nationalise the British Steel industry to safeguard it from further losses.
13,456 signatures, now closed
Fund Research into Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
13,390 signatures, now closed
Give parish councils the right to appeal planning decisions.
13,378 signatures, now closed
Exempt Non-EU NHS professionals from £35,000 salary threshold
13,346 signatures, now closed
Vote on an early General Election before sending Article 50
13,345 signatures, now closed
Make dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia testing free on the NHS.
13,315 signatures, now closed
Revoke the BBC's charter
13,285 signatures, now closed
To examine the DWP, ATOS & Maximus's culpability for deaths of benefit claimants
13,256 signatures, now closed
Pass law to force employers to pay on time for freelance/contractual work.
13,250 signatures, now closed
End the cuts to Merseyside Police
13,233 signatures, now closed
Stop the proposed downgrading of Southend Hospital A&E Department.
13,206 signatures, now closed
the Iraq Historic Allegations Team must be stopped as it is a national scandal.
13,194 signatures, now closed
Give Head Teachers the authority to agree up to 10 days of term-time holiday
13,189 signatures, now closed
Save West Cumberland Hospital
13,179 signatures, now closed
Don't allow prescriptions to stop for dairy free milk in the UK.
13,152 signatures, now closed
Make Nusinersen available to terminally ill children with Spinal MuscularAtrophy
13,136 signatures, now closed
Make Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (Prep) immediately available on the NHS
13,104 signatures, now closed
Reinstate RPI index linking to Military pensions from the current CPI index link
13,042 signatures, now closed
The repeal of the code on farming chickens for meat + farming should be debated
13,042 signatures, now closed
Free Commando Sergeant Alexander Blackman from jail
13,015 signatures, now closed
Refuse asylum seekers & remove support for so called refugee migrants in the UK
13,010 signatures, now closed
Make labelling food as vegetarian and/or vegan as legal requirement
12,966 signatures, now closed
Stop benefits to more than one wife in the UK
12,958 signatures, now closed